Benicia resident Sheri Zada: Re-elect Monica Brown as the best candidate for County Supervisor, District 2

Solano County Supervisor Monica Brown (masked) speaks after a video presentation celebrating Solano County’s centenarians at the Government Center in December 2022. | Aaron Rosenblatt / Daily Republic.
Sheri Zada, President of Benicia Unified School District’s Governing Board and Benicia resident..

Dear Editor:

Monica Brown is the best choice for Solano County Supervisor.

I am writing to express my strong support to re-elect Monica Brown for County Supervisor in the upcoming election. Monica’s dedication to our community and her proven track record makes her an excellent choice for this crucial role.

Monica has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the challenges our county faces, and she has shown a commitment to finding practical and effective solutions. Her experience in local governance has been marked by a focus on transparency, accountability, and inclusivity.

Monica Brown’s leadership style is characterized by open communication and a genuine concern for the well-being of our community. She listens to the concerns of residents, engages with diverse perspectives, and strives to represent the interests of everyone in our county.

As we approach the election day, I urge my fellow community members to re-elect Monica Brown as the best candidate for County Supervisor. Her experience, dedication, and vision for our community make her the right choice to lead us forward.


Sheri Zada
Benicia Resident/Benicia Unified School District, President, Governing Board