Solano County Supervisor Monica Brown (masked) speaks after a video presentation celebrating Solano County’s centenarians at the Government Center in December 2022. | Aaron Rosenblatt / Daily Republic.Sheri Zada, President of Benicia Unified School District’s Governing Board and Benicia resident..
Dear Editor:
Monica Brown is the best choice for Solano County Supervisor.
I am writing to express my strong support to re-elect Monica Brown for County Supervisor in the upcoming election. Monica’s dedication to our community and her proven track record makes her an excellent choice for this crucial role.
Monica has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the challenges our county faces, and she has shown a commitment to finding practical and effective solutions. Her experience in local governance has been marked by a focus on transparency, accountability, and inclusivity.
Monica Brown’s leadership style is characterized by open communication and a genuine concern for the well-being of our community. She listens to the concerns of residents, engages with diverse perspectives, and strives to represent the interests of everyone in our county.
As we approach the election day, I urge my fellow community members to re-elect Monica Brown as the best candidate for County Supervisor. Her experience, dedication, and vision for our community make her the right choice to lead us forward.
Sheri Zada
Benicia Resident/Benicia Unified School District, President, Governing Board
Solano County Supervisor, Monica Brown interviews Bernice Raemer, 100, of Vacaville during the 14th Annual Centenarian Commemoration at the Solano County Government Center in Fairfield, 2019. | Joel Rosenbaum / The Reporter.
Benicia resident and artist Larnie Fox.
By Larnie Fox, February 27, 2024
She was a classroom teacher for 39 years. To me, that speaks volumes as to her values.
The Solano County Democratic Central Committee endorses Monica.
Monica and her main opponent, Rochelle Sherlock are on record with their views on the County Sheriff’s office and the Vallejo Police Department. Monica has been advocating for community oversight for the Sheriff’s office in the wake of reports linking some of the staff to hate groups. She also supports a county partnership to help correct problems with the scandal-ridden Vallejo Police Department. At a recent County Democratic Committee meeting Rochelle Sherlock seemed not to know anything about the controversy in the County Sheriff’s office, and ignored problems with the Vallejo Police Department.
Monica has always opposed projects that would have harmed the county’s air quality and safety, especially Valero’s Crude by Rail proposal in Benicia and Vallejo’s Orcem Cement Plant proposal.
She makes herself available to the public in ways that few politicians do ~ by showing up. She routinely travels her district, talking with regular people, and attending community events. She knows her district like no one else. And she documents her work in a weekly newsletter ~ again, something that few politicians do.
I trust Monica, and will vote for her. I hope you do too.
Solano County Supervisor for District 2 incumbent Monica Brown, center, shakes hands with Congressman John Garamendi in 2016. | Robinson Kunt z/ Daily Republic.
By Pat Toth-Smith, February 25, 2024
During the pandemic, Monica Brown served as supervisor for Solano County’s District 2, which includes Benicia, Glen Cove and parts of southern Vallejo. District 2’s proximity to the SF Bay Area counties of Contra Costa, Napa, and Alameda for employment, recreation, etc., put us at a bigger risk in 2020, when Covid first started – before we had vaccines, Covid anti-viral medications and a full understanding of how it was spread. For this reason, after mask mandates were initiated in these other Bay Area counties, Monica worked hard to try to get mandatory mask mandates for Solano County. Unfortunately, a lack of support on the board of supervisors meant Monica’s proposal was not taken up at their meetings.
Nevertheless, Monica helped the Solano County Democratic Central Committee’s Covid Subcommittee provide education and support to Solano residents and supported efforts to get mask mandates passed in Vallejo and Benicia. Both cities passed mandatory mask mandates before the statewide mandate went into effect. Lives were probably saved as a result.
Monica also provided valuable educational information about Covid-19, the new vaccines and where to find Covid testing and vaccine injection sites in her regular newsletter and emails that were posted and sent out to her constituents. She made herself very accessible and was a voice of reason, providing the information people needed.
As a county supervisor for the past seven years, Monica has a track record and experience that benefits all members of Solano County. She has helped get funding for seniors and families in need, and she supports measures for mental health and homelessness. She started the “Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation” in Solano County, so chefs can prepare and serve food cooked in their homes to consumers. She was there for us Benicians when we opposed the “Crude by Rail” Proposal that could have led to dangerous environmental and civilian hazards.
In Vallejo, Monica supported residents opposed to the toxic Orcem cement plant, and all Solano County residents who opposed the increase in expensive bridge tolls. Monica Brown will be there supporting us citizens when the next dangerous proposals come our way in the future. I urge you to support Monica Brown for the next four years.
District 2 Supervisor Monica Brown (Incumbent). | Robinson Kuntz / Daily Republic.
By Paula Bauer, February 22, 2024
There have been some unflattering letters and social media posts lately about Supervisor Monica Brown. I supported Supervisor Brown in 2016, and was her treasurer in 2020. She won both times, and I just voted for her again in 2024.
Has she made some mistakes? Yes. She is human. She has made mistakes. But she also shows up and supports the causes I support. She stands with science and supported masks and vaccinations when that was not a popular position in Solano County. She fought for and got us the home kitchen ordinance that has allowed meal prep in private homes for public consumption. She has fought for eight years but I don’t think has yet won fire suppression regs. I also think she understands the issues that Solano County will face with California Forever/Flannery Associates. We cannot afford to have a rookie trying to ramp up to speed when these issues come before the board. Let’s elect someone who already knows the terrain.
While I’m asking you to support Monica on the board of supes, I’m also asking you to vote for Monica, Kathy Kerridge, Pat Toth-Smith, and me for the central committee. And I’m asking for all of the same reasons: we support science, LGBTQ rights, women’s health, voting rights, and everything else Big D Democratic. None of us have been on the central committee as long as Monica, but we are all on it now, and probably against our smarter instincts, are asking you to put us there for four more years. We ask for and would appreciate your votes.
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