YOUNG: “…transitioning to in-person instruction is not like flipping an on-off switch…. For now, we will remain in our virtual learning model until the Board approves any changes.”
Solano County COVID-19 Tier Status
Sep 22, 2020 | Latest News, nCoV
Dear BUSD Community,
I hope this communication finds everyone safe and well.
As you know, the Governor implemented a new Covid-19 monitoring system on Friday, August 28, 2020. There are four tiers to the system: Tier 1 is purple-wide spread; Tier 2 is red-substantial; Tier 3 is orange-moderate, and Tier 4 is yellow-minimal.
As of today, September 22, 2020, Solano County has moved to Tier 2, red-substantial. If our county remains in the Tier 2 status for 14 consecutive days, school districts will be permitted to hold in-person instruction. The maintenance of Tier 2 status would allow for schools to implement an approved hybrid model as districts phase into in-person instruction. For more information on Solano County Covid-19 data, see
While we view this as positive news, it is important to note that transitioning to any in-person instruction, including the hybrid models presented before the start of the school year, takes a good deal of planning and preparation. Our administrators, teachers, staff, and Board have been working together to monitor the changing landscape and consider the District’s options. Our planning includes aspects that must be bargained with the teachers union (BTA) and the classified staff union (CSEA).
It is important to note that transitioning to in-person instruction is not like flipping an on-off switch; rather, it is more like bringing a sizable power-grid back on-line, which has to be done thoughtfully, carefully and judicially to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved.
We are currently working on next steps and will discuss them in detail at the October 16th Board meeting. For now, we will remain in our virtual learning model until the Board approves any changes.
We appreciate your patience as we work through this process with the health and safety of everyone involved as our primary goal.
In partnership,
Charles F. Young, Ed. D
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