Green New Deal: Details, framework and growing support

Repost from The Intercept [See also: Thompson Cosponsors Green New Deal and The Green New Deal – a primer.  – R.S.] The Green New Deal Takes its First Congressional Baby Step, as Pelosi Mocks “Green Dream or Whatever” By Kate Aronoff, February 7 2019, 10:03 a.m. THE FIRST HAND of the Green New Deal has been dealt. Rep. … Continue reading Green New Deal: Details, framework and growing support

Attorney General letter may be terminal for ORCEM / Vallejo Marine Terminal

By Roger Straw, November 30, 2018 Take heart, Vallejoans!  The letter sent to your City by the Attorney General may just do the trick.  (See Times-Herald Nov. 12 coverage.) I remember back in Benicia’s crude-by-rail days, when Deputy Attorney General Scott Lichtig of Attorney General Kamala Harris’ staff wrote to the City of Benicia.  He wrote first … Continue reading Attorney General letter may be terminal for ORCEM / Vallejo Marine Terminal

Birdseye and Strawbridge opposed Valero Crude by Rail – Largaesapada supported oil trains

Pat Toth-Smith: Birdseye puts safety first By Pat Toth-Smith, September 9, 2018 It’s been two years since the 2016 crude-by-rail permit for Valero was denied, but a strong memory of it remains for me and probably for a lot of Benicians.  It’s because of that experience that I’m urging Benicians to vote for Kari Birdseye … Continue reading Birdseye and Strawbridge opposed Valero Crude by Rail – Largaesapada supported oil trains

Angry activists plan to crash Jerry Brown’s SF climate summit

Repost from the San Francisco Chronicle Angry activists plan to crash Jerry Brown’s SF climate summit Matier & Ross, Sep. 9, 2018 6 a.m. Well-financed and well-organized eco-activists are planning to put the squeeze on Gov. Jerry Brown during his big San Francisco climate change conference this week — and mass demonstrations and civil disobedience are on the agenda. The … Continue reading Angry activists plan to crash Jerry Brown’s SF climate summit