Council opposes crude by rail in Vancouver, WA – safety issues

Repost from The Oregonian [Editor – Significant quote: “a majority of Vancouver City Council members recently announced they opposed the $110 million terminal, citing not its potential environmental impacts, but their concern that the project may endanger the city’s 165,000 residents.”  – RS] Fiery oil train accidents heighten scrutiny of major Vancouver, WA rail terminal … Continue reading Council opposes crude by rail in Vancouver, WA – safety issues

Another derailment – Philadelphia again, hazmat, no spill, major road closing

Repost from Train Hauling Chemicals Derails, Blocks Major Road for Hours By NBC10 Staff | Thursday, Apr 10, 2014 – Daralene Jones – A Conrail train jumped a track in the Port Richmond section of the city. A freight train hauling hazardous materials derailed this morning at a Philadelphia signal crossing causing a major road … Continue reading Another derailment – Philadelphia again, hazmat, no spill, major road closing

Martinez Gazette: Background on lawsuit against BAAQMD and Kinder Morgan

Repost from The Martinez Gazette Environmental groups look to halt shipment of crude by rail Rick Jones | April 1, 2014 Environmental groups filed suit Thursday against the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and energy company Kinder Morg­an to halt the shipment of highly explosive and toxic crude oil into Richmond. Kinder Morgan … Continue reading Martinez Gazette: Background on lawsuit against BAAQMD and Kinder Morgan

Is crude by rail coming to a town near me?

Repost from unEARTHED – The Earth Justice Blog 28 March 2014, 11:41 AM Jessica Knoblauch Explosive Crude By Rail Trains Roll Into Main Street America Concerned communities fight back   Vice Mayor Linda Maio, joined by Mayor Tom Bates and Council member Darryl Moore, speaks out in support of resident opposition to a proposed crude … Continue reading Is crude by rail coming to a town near me?