Oil tanker spill in English Bay (Vancouver BC) – wake-up call for port…and for us all

Repost from CBC News [Editor: Spokesperson John Hill has publicly stated that Valero Benicia Refinery shipped Bakken crude on a barge through our beautiful Carquinez Strait.  Presumably this barge came from the Pacific Northwest.  Canadian dilbit and North Dakota Bakken crude are increasingly making their way to the Pacific, either for refining or for transfer to … Continue reading Oil tanker spill in English Bay (Vancouver BC) – wake-up call for port…and for us all

Solano County study addresses rail plans, including crude-by-rail

Repost from The Fairfield Daily Republic [Editor:  Download the 152-page Update from the STA website.  Although this article doesn’t mention it, significant attention is paid to crude by rail in the Update: see p. 8 on the Benicia-Martinez Railroad Bridge, p. 15 on the Valero Refinery, pp. 27-29 on Future Demand (including crude-by-rail), pp. 91-93 on Potential Projects, … Continue reading Solano County study addresses rail plans, including crude-by-rail

Vallejo Times-Herald: Thompson introduces act addressing crude by rail

Repost from The Vallejo Times-Herald [Editor:  See also coverage in McClatchyDC News.  – RS] Thompson introduces act addressing crude by rail By Irma Widjojo, 04/15/15, 8:06 PM PDT Another bill concerning the transportation of crude oil by rail was introduced Wednesday, following at least two others in the past month. With a pending Valero Refinery … Continue reading Vallejo Times-Herald: Thompson introduces act addressing crude by rail

Davis Enterprise: Garamendi calls for greater Bakken oil-by-rail safety

Repost from The Davis Enterprise [Editor:  Significant quote: “‘DOT began working on updated rules in April of 2012 and from 2006 to April of 2014, a total of 281 tank cars derailed in the U.S. and Canada, claiming 48 lives and releasing almost 5 million gallons of crude and ethanol,’ the letter reads.  ‘Serious crude-carrying train … Continue reading Davis Enterprise: Garamendi calls for greater Bakken oil-by-rail safety