FOX40 News: Crude Oil Rail Meeting Sparks Questions in Fairfield

Repost from FOX40 NEWS Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto [Editor – The 2 minute video is MUCH better than the online text below.  Two excellent on camera comments by Antonia Juhasz.  Significant closing statement by Fox40 reporter Ben Deci, “The process in Benicia is moving along pretty quickly.  Valero says it expects to be in front of that … Continue reading FOX40 News: Crude Oil Rail Meeting Sparks Questions in Fairfield

KGO 810 Radio: Benicia Community Groups Oppose Oil-by-Rail Plan on Safety Grounds

Repost from KGO 810 Radio, The Bay Area’s News & Information Station [Editor: the online text below has some misquotes.  The video is MUCH better.  Good interview comments by Andrés Soto of Benicians For a Safe and Healthy Community.  – RS Benicia Community Groups Oppose Oil-by-Rail Plan on Safety Grounds BENICIA (KGO) – The issue of rail … Continue reading KGO 810 Radio: Benicia Community Groups Oppose Oil-by-Rail Plan on Safety Grounds

Solano County focuses on rail safety

Repost from the Fairfield Daily Republic Solano focuses on rail safety By Barry Eberling,  September 30, 2014 FAIRFIELD – Solano County wants to let people know about its rail emergency plans and to identify weaknesses, even as a Valero pursues a controversial proposal to ship crude oil by rail through the region. The county held … Continue reading Solano County focuses on rail safety

Crude oil by rail discussed at Solano County Town Hall Meeting

Repost from The Reporter, Vacaville, CA Crude oil by rail discussed at county Town Hall Meeting keeps Valero Benicia Refinery project in mind By Melissa Murphy, 09/29/2014 A community conversation Monday night attracted about 50 people from the public, county staff and elected leaders to explore the topic of rail safety along the 73 miles … Continue reading Crude oil by rail discussed at Solano County Town Hall Meeting