Benicia Planning Commission special session on June 30

BREAKING NEWS … BENICIA PLANNING COMMISSION TO BE TRAINED ON THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND REVIEWING A DRAFT EIR The City of Benicia just announced that they will be holding a special meeting of the Planning Commission on Monday, June 30th, “a general training session on the California Environmental Quality Act and more specifically reviewing a DEIR.  Kat Wellman, … Continue reading Benicia Planning Commission special session on June 30

California lawmakers assail Feds for timid handling of rail oil shipments

Repost from The Ames Tribune, Ames, Iowa [Editor:  The 3-hour California Joint Legislative Oversight Hearing on Transport of California Crude Oil by Rail  can be viewed here.  – RS] State lawmakers assail Feds for timid handling of rail oil shipments By Timm Herdt, Ventura County Star, June 20, 2014 SACRAMENTO — State lawmakers, concerned about the … Continue reading California lawmakers assail Feds for timid handling of rail oil shipments

Benicia DEIR downplays risks in marked contrast to NRDC assessment

Repost from AllGov California This Is Where Deadly Crude Oil Trains May Be Rolling Through California By Ken Broder, June 20, 2014 Although this country’s oil boom has been accompanied by an explosion of dangerous crude-carrying trains―literally and figuratively―a much-anticipated environmental impact report (Summary pdf) says the spill threat from Valero Refining Company’s proposal to … Continue reading Benicia DEIR downplays risks in marked contrast to NRDC assessment

Vallejo Times-Herald: Joint Legislative Oversight Hearing on Transport of California Crude Oil by Rail

Repost from The Vallejo Times-Herald [Editor: Note near the end of this story, “Patterson, who joined Henke on a four-person panel addressing on-the-ground risks, did not address the merits of Valero’s proposed crude-by-rail project in Benicia.”  Patterson read a prepared statement by her personal attorney affirming her right to offer testimony, and was commended later … Continue reading Vallejo Times-Herald: Joint Legislative Oversight Hearing on Transport of California Crude Oil by Rail