Tar sands in our back yard

Repost from The Martinez News Gazette [Editor: An excellent fact-filled summary on tar sands crude by our colleagues in the Martinez Environmental Group.  Note that Valero Benicia Refinery has admitted (in its open community meeting on March 24, 2014) that it may include tar sands crude in its “mix.”  See “NRDC report: Valero’s Magic Box.”  … Continue reading Tar sands in our back yard

CRUDE – inspirational speeches & videos

Repost from C.R.U.D.E. (Crockett-Rodeo United to Defend the Environment) INSPIRATION: Speeches and Educational Forum Film clips This page has select video recordings of teach-ins from the 2013-14 Sunflower Alliance speakers series as well as the keynote speaker for the 350 BayArea DIrty Energy Clean Energy conference, Stanford University’s Dr. Marc Jacobson. Film clips from the Sunlfower … Continue reading CRUDE – inspirational speeches & videos

Martinez Shell Refinery to refine more light Bakken crude

Repost from Bloomberg Shell Considers Retiring California Coker Amid Shale Boom By Lynn Doan May 19, 2014 Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA), Europe’s biggest oil company, is considering retiring one of two coking units at its only refinery in California as the company seeks to run lighter crude at the plant. The company has applied … Continue reading Martinez Shell Refinery to refine more light Bakken crude

Two Petroleum Coke train cars derail in Benicia

Repost from The Benicia Herald [Editor: Question: was the petcoke dust in these cars open to the wind when they derailed here in Benicia last Saturday?  What happens to the petcoke when one of these cars jostles up and then bangs down off the rails?  Anyone have a photo?  ANSWER TO THESE QUESTIONS FROM A LOCAL … Continue reading Two Petroleum Coke train cars derail in Benicia