Davis City Council to staff: prepare a resolution opposing crude by rail

Repost from The Davis Vanguard [Editor: Note that this article appeared six weeks ago.  – RS] Council Takes Stand on Crude Oil Transport by Rail By Michelle Millet  |  March 15, 2014 Last Tuesday [March 11, 2014] Mike Webb, Director of Community Development & Sustainability, presented a status update to council on the Benicia/Valero Oil by Rail … Continue reading Davis City Council to staff: prepare a resolution opposing crude by rail

Forbes: comparing crude delivery by pipeline, rail, truck and boat

Repost from Forbes [Editor: This lengthy analysis is worthwhile for its factual background and its many links to source material, even though the author seems unaware that fossil fuels are on their way out.  – RS] Pick Your Poison For Crude — Pipeline, Rail, Truck Or Boat By James Conca  |  4/26/14 Crude oil is … Continue reading Forbes: comparing crude delivery by pipeline, rail, truck and boat

Stationary Source Committee of the BAAQMD postpones discussion

Repost from The Contra Costa Times Discussion of Bay Area oil refinery-related projects postponed to May By Tom Lochner, Contra Costa Times | 04/22/2014 SAN FRANCISCO — A discussion of five Bay Area energy projects and their permit status was moved to next month, after a regional committee hosting it spent most of a morning … Continue reading Stationary Source Committee of the BAAQMD postpones discussion

All about the unsafe DOT-111 tank car

Repost from The News Tribune, Tacoma, OR [Editor: This article is a good start, but it leaves much unsaid.  Information and disinformation abounds regarding the DOT-111 tank car, designed in 1964.  There are retrofitted (improved) versions of the DOT-111, but they are a small percentage of DOT-111’s currently in use, and are not REQUIRED BY … Continue reading All about the unsafe DOT-111 tank car