KQED report: Chevron expansion project

Repost from KQED Science Chevron Tries Again With Richmond Refinery Revamp  Molly Samuel, KQED Science | April 14, 2014 The rust-red painted tanks of Chevron’s Richmond refinery are a familiar sight for drivers in the East Bay. The facility, sprawling across about four and a half miles at the foot of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, … Continue reading KQED report: Chevron expansion project

SF Chronicle: Green groups sue Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Repost from the San Francisco Chronicle Oil trains into Richmond spark lawsuit By David R. Baker, April 5, 2014 Little noticed by neighbors, trains carrying crude oil from the Great Plains have been rumbling into a Richmond rail yard. The cargo is the same kind of crude that fueled a deadly explosion last summer when a … Continue reading SF Chronicle: Green groups sue Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Sacramento Bee editorial calls for delay in crude by rail

Repost from The Sacramento Bee Editorial: Oil trains require more safety and scrutiny By the Editorial Board Published: Thursday, Apr.  3, 2014 Randall Benton /  A tanker truck drives past train cars containing crude oil at McClellan Park. Until recently, local officials didn’t know the site was being used for oil transfers. You’d think that … Continue reading Sacramento Bee editorial calls for delay in crude by rail

Sacramento officials concerned, will meet with Area Council of Governments

Repost from The Sacramento Bee [Editor: Excellent article by Bee reporters Bizjak & Tate.  It’s encouraging that Sacramento is waking up to the threat of catastrophic accidents.  We will want to keep an eye on the April 22 meeting of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments.  – RS] Refinery plans to ship 100 train cars … Continue reading Sacramento officials concerned, will meet with Area Council of Governments