Coronavirus in Solano County – 3 new cases reported on April 9

UPDATE: See today’s latest information Thursday, April 9: three new cases no new deaths, total now 115 cases, 2 deaths: Source: Solano County Coronavirus Information & Resources Last report (Wednesday, April 8): Summary: Solano County reported 3 NEW POSITIVE CASES today – total is now 115.  No new deaths in Solano County – total of 2. … Continue reading Coronavirus in Solano County – 3 new cases reported on April 9

Solano Public Health Officer reminds residents to observe religious practices at home during Shelter at Home order

Solano County Public Health, April 8, 2020 SOLANO COUNTY – Solano County Public Health reminds the public that the Shelter at Home Health Order prohibits gatherings and directs individuals to stay home except for essential activities until April 30, 2020 to protect individuals from the possible transmission of COVID-19. Unfortunately, this Order impacts religious events … Continue reading Solano Public Health Officer reminds residents to observe religious practices at home during Shelter at Home order

Coronavirus: Do reusable grocery bags spread the virus? Are they banned?

Few scientific studies, but grocery workers want protections The Mercury News, by Paul Rogers, April 3, 2020 Reusable grocery bags have been a staple of life for more than a decade, with environmental groups, cities and voters across California and other states supporting bans on single-use plastic bags to reduce huge amounts of plastic pollution … Continue reading Coronavirus: Do reusable grocery bags spread the virus? Are they banned?

Solano County Library launches survey seeking info on online services during coronavirus

[NOTE: The Benicia Library is independent, not part of the Solano County Library system.  See Benicia Library Director David Dodd’s April 1 Pandemic Update.   – R.S.] By VALLEJO TIMES-HERALD, April 8, 2020 The Solano County Library wants to know what type of online programming that is responsive and reflective of the community needs during the … Continue reading Solano County Library launches survey seeking info on online services during coronavirus