Trump administration taking advantage of coronavirus crisis – polluters winning big

U.S. dramatically rolls back rules for polluters – companies can now monitor themselves during the outbreak. Letters from an American, by Heather Cox Richardson, March 26, 2020   March 26, 2020 The United States now leads the world in confirmed coronavirus cases. At least 83,377 people have tested positive for the virus, a leap of 17,166 … Continue reading Trump administration taking advantage of coronavirus crisis – polluters winning big

Benicia and Solano County schools extend school closures through May 1

UPDATES ON MARCH 27: Benicia Schools – everyone urged to “unplug and take a true break during April 6 – 10: Spring Break” Benicia Schools – Food Service Update: new pick-up times and extended service to May 1st Solano County School Closure UPDATE Mar 26, 2020 | Latest News, nCoV Dear Solano County Families, Solano County Superintendents and … Continue reading Benicia and Solano County schools extend school closures through May 1

Benicia stays all evictions and closes all local playgrounds

City of Benicia Coronavirus UPDATES March 23, 2020 City Manager Lorie Tinfow signed an order staying evictions for non-payment of rent in the City of Benicia in response to the COVID-19 Emergency. A press release informing the public was issued. Governor Newsom ordered a “soft closure” of state parks by closing parking lots but not limiting access to state … Continue reading Benicia stays all evictions and closes all local playgrounds

Novel Coronavirus Can Survive in Aerosol Form and on Hard Surfaces for Hours to Days, Study Reveals

BioSpace, by Alex Keown, Mar 18, 2020 [BenIndy editor: Note that aerosol-generating particles CAN be generated in normal coughing.  See this 2015 NIH study.  – R.S.] As the world shifts toward a concept of social distancing as part of an attempt to protect against the novel coronavirus, new research is showing the virus that causes … Continue reading Novel Coronavirus Can Survive in Aerosol Form and on Hard Surfaces for Hours to Days, Study Reveals