Attorney General Confirms CBE Concerns over Chevron Refinery

News Release from Communities for a Better Environment [Editor: Read the June 9 news release here, or  download the release.  And… Read the Attorney General’s letter to the Richmond Planning Dept.  – RS] Attorney General Confirms CBE Concerns over Chevron Refinery June 9, 2014  A CBE News Release – A.G. Kamala Harris cited refinery safety, air pollution, … Continue reading Attorney General Confirms CBE Concerns over Chevron Refinery

Davis and “Uprail” Communities organize to oppose Crude By Rail

Repost from Cool Davis, Davis, California Crude-by-Rail Opportunity for Written Comments Workshop on How to Respond to the Draft EIR Wednesday, June 18 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall at Davis Community Church (421 D Street) Instruction, brainstorming, and organizing our efforts Refreshments! The Draft EIR for the Valero rail terminal Project in Benicia (70,000 barrels … Continue reading Davis and “Uprail” Communities organize to oppose Crude By Rail

SF Chron article about Benicia / Crude by Rail

Repost from [Editor’s note]  This SF Chronicle report includes a short video interview with Benicia Mayor Elizabeth Patterson.  Unfortunately, the interview is preceded by advertising, and can’t be set to manual play – so I will not embed it here.  After reading the text here, click on the link above to see the video … Continue reading SF Chron article about Benicia / Crude by Rail

Urgent concerns of our “uprail” friends & neighbors in Davis, CA

Repost from The Peoples’ Vanguard, of Davis, CA Transport of Crude-by-Rail Puts Davis at Risk February 3, 2014 By Lynne Nittler, Milton Kalish, and Matt Biers-Ariel Background:  North Dakota Bakken crude oil production is booming, and oil companies are looking for a fast, convenient way to transport their sweet light crude oil to refineries across the … Continue reading Urgent concerns of our “uprail” friends & neighbors in Davis, CA