What if Trump won’t leave? Call it what it is, and be ready…

To stop a coup — take the Choose Democracy pledge, and be prepared for action! Benicians Mary Susan Gast, Kathy Kerridge and Pat Toth-Smith have done great work recently alerting us to Daniel Hunter’s article* on the very real possibility that there may be an illegal power grab after the election on November 3.  Please … Continue reading What if Trump won’t leave? Call it what it is, and be ready…

Trump’s latest racist move – Defunding Anti-Racism Trainings

Trump Orders Federal Agencies to Stop Funding Anti-Racism Trainings, Calling Them ‘Un-American’ The Root, by Ishena Robinson, September 5, 2020 [See also coverage in the Washington Post] In another tacit admission that he believes American equates to whiteness, President Trump has ordered the cease and desist of any government funding for anti-racism federal training programs … Continue reading Trump’s latest racist move – Defunding Anti-Racism Trainings

Documenting Trump’s insane comments and racist behavior in Kenosha

Trump flies to Kenosha but lands on Planet Zog Washington Post, by Dana Milbank, September 1, 2020 President Trump took off on Air Force One on Tuesday morning on his way to Kenosha, Wis. He landed on Planet Zog. In real life, protests (some peaceful, some violent) erupted after police shot Jacob Blake, a Black man, … Continue reading Documenting Trump’s insane comments and racist behavior in Kenosha

We turned the tv off on Trump – And here’s some of the reasons why…

Trump presented the mother of all fabrications on the White House lawn The Washington Post, by Dana Milbank, August 27, 2020 Four years ago, when the United States was in the eighth year of an economic expansion and enjoying a time of relative peace and prosperity, Donald Trump saw only carnage. “Our convention occurs at a … Continue reading We turned the tv off on Trump – And here’s some of the reasons why…