Solano COVID update: number of new cases down, but 6 of our elders hospitalized

UPDATE: See today’s latest information By Roger Straw, Thursday, February 18, 2021 COVID is still spreading and dangerous in Solano County – stay safe! Thursday, February 18: 47 new Solano cases overnight, no new deaths.  Since February 2020: 29,690 cases, over 875 hospitalized, 156 deaths.Compare previous report, Wednesday, February 17:Summary [Sources: see below.  Daily archive of my Solano … Continue reading Solano COVID update: number of new cases down, but 6 of our elders hospitalized

Solano County reports 34 COVID deaths in first 16 days of February

UPDATE: See today’s latest information By Roger Straw, Wednesday, February 17, 2021 COVID is still spreading and dangerous in Solano County – stay safe! Wednesday, February 17: 63 new Solano cases overnight, 7 new deaths.  Since February 2020: 29,643 cases, over 865 hospitalized, 156 deaths.Compare previous report, Tuesday, February 16:Summary [Sources: see below.  Daily archive of my Solano … Continue reading Solano County reports 34 COVID deaths in first 16 days of February

Long weekend gives Solano County 9 new COVID deaths, total of 27 dead in first 2 weeks of February

UPDATE: See today’s latest information By Roger Straw, Tuesday, February 16, 2021 COVID is still spreading and dangerous in Solano County – stay safe! Tuesday, February 16: 329 new Solano cases over the 5-day weekend, 9 new deaths.  Since February 2020: 29,580 cases, over 865 hospitalized, 149 deaths.Compare previous report, Thursday, February 11:Summary [From Solano County Public Health and … Continue reading Long weekend gives Solano County 9 new COVID deaths, total of 27 dead in first 2 weeks of February

Don’t take pain meds before your COVID shot?? Questions…

Don’t take Tylenol??  Don’t take Advil??  When?  Why? Earlier today, I posted a flyer showing the recommendation of NorthBay Healthcare: BEFORE your 2nd shot: don’t take prescription or over-the-counter pain meds. A Facebook reader wrote, “This would have more validity and guidance if it stated a time period (one hour? 24 hours? one week?) to … Continue reading Don’t take pain meds before your COVID shot?? Questions…