How do we explain the urgency of climate change? | Meet The Press | NBC News

Repost from NBCUniversal Media Village AND Meet The Press | NBC News [Editor: NBC’s Meet The Press devoted its entire show today to the Climate Change crisis!  Chuck Todd summarizes, then interviews Michael Bloomberg, but the best part in my opinion is a panel discussion (video and transcript  below) with Kate Marvel, scientist at Columbia University and NASA’s … Continue reading How do we explain the urgency of climate change? | Meet The Press | NBC News

AP: Trump administration miscalculated benefit of better train brakes

Repost from The Associated Press APNewsBreak: US miscalculated benefit of better train brakes By Matthew Brown, December 20, 2018 BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — President Donald Trump’s administration miscalculated the potential benefits of putting better brakes on trains that haul explosive fuels when it scrapped an Obama-era rule over cost concerns, The Associated Press has found. … Continue reading AP: Trump administration miscalculated benefit of better train brakes

Wildfire health study – lingering breathing problems after widespread smoke

Repost from REVEAL NEWS, The Center for Investigative Reporting AMERICA’S RING OF FIRE The smoke’s gone, but hearts and lungs still may be in danger months after wildfires By Aaron Glantz and Susie Neilson / November 28, 2018 Three days after the Camp Fire erupted, incinerating the Northern California town of Paradise and killing 85 people, Katrina Sawa found herself … Continue reading Wildfire health study – lingering breathing problems after widespread smoke

Desmond Tutu awards peace prize to Parkland shooting survivors

Repost from NBC News “I am in awe of these children,” Tutu said at the ceremony on Tuesday. By Associated Press, Nov. 20, 2018 / 9:56 AM PST FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — The Parkland students who created an international movement to raise awareness for gun violence after a deadly school shooting were awarded the International Children’s Peace Prize on … Continue reading Desmond Tutu awards peace prize to Parkland shooting survivors