November 5, 2021
News Contacts:
Matthew Davis, Sr. Management Analyst and Public Communications Officer (707) 784-6111 | MADavis@SolanoCounty.com (AND)
Jayleen Richards, Public Health Administrator 707-784-8616 | JMRichards@SolanoCounty.com
Solano County expands COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to individuals age 5-11; widely available throughout County
SOLANO COUNTY — Solano County is expanding vaccine eligibility to individuals living or attending school in Solano County who are ages 5-11, in accordance with state and national guidance to expand eligibility to this age group.
The Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup unanimously concluded that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is safe and effective for youth ages 5-11, following the Emergency Use Authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration and the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parents who are interested in getting their child vaccinated can access the Pfizer pediatric doses at several locations throughout the County, including pharmacies, healthcare providers and County-hosted vaccine clinic events.
“We are pleased to expand eligibility to all community members age 5 and older in Solano County,” said Bela T. Matyas, M.D., M.P.H., Solano County Health Officer. “Getting children in this age group vaccinated helps keep them at school and reduces the risk they stay home, away from school after being exposed to someone with COVID-19.”
Starting Wednesday, November 10, 2021, the mass vaccination clinic at the Solano County Fairgrounds, located at 900 Fairgrounds Drive in Vallejo, will begin administering the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine to individual age 5 and older, in addition to providing initial and additional doses to all other eligible community members. The mass vaccination clinic operates Wednesday – Saturday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Mass vaccination clinics are operational now through the middle of December, with a closure the week of November 24-27 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
To make an appointment at the vaccination clinic, eligible residents can sign up online for each family member at https://bit.ly/solanomassvax. Those requiring registration assistance can call (800) 672-0150.
◼ Homebound individuals interested in requesting an in-home vaccination appointment are encouraged to call the COVID-19 vaccine line at (707) 784-8655 for scheduling assistance.
◼ Residents without transportation to and from vaccine sites hosted by Solano County are urged to call the COVID-19 vaccine line at (707) 784-8655 and arrange for a free ride through Uber
◼ For upcoming vaccine clinics in Solano County, visit www.solanocounty.com/covidvaccine
◼ For vaccine clinics available throughout the State, visit www.myturn.ca.gov or www.vaccines.gov
◼ For the most recent local COVID-19 health information, including the number of COVID-19 cases in Solano County as reflected on the COVID-19 dashboard, visit www.SolanoCounty.com/COVID19 and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SolanoCountyPH (@SolanoCountyPH).
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