Tag Archives: Benicia City Council

Solano COVID report: 3 deaths, 27 hospitalizations and 99 new infections

NOTE: The information below is not the latest.  CLICK HERE for today’s latest information.

By Roger Straw, Wednesday, November 17, 2021
[BREAKING NEWS: Benicia City Council decides to keep mask mandate in effect at least until Dec. 7 – click here to scroll down.  – R.S.]

Wednesday, November 17: Solano County reports 3 deaths, 27 hospitalizations and 99 new infections, remains in SUBSTANTIAL rate of transmission.  Benicia sees 7 new infections, just barely remains in MODERATE transmission.

Solano County COVID dashboard SUMMARY:
[Sources: see below.]

DEATHS: Solano reported 3 new COVID-related deaths today.  One who died was age 50-64 and 2 were over 65.  All 3 were white.  The County reported 27 COVID deaths in September, 18 in October, and today’s 3 in November.  A new total of 318 Solano residents have died of COVID or COVID-related causes over the course of the pandemic.

CASES: The County reported 99 new COVID cases today.  CASES BY AGE GROUP: 23 of these 99 cases (23%) were youth and children under 18.  61 were age 18-49, 10 were age 50-64, and only 5 were 65+.  Below is my color-coded analysis of cases reported by age group, as a percentage of total cases.  I am showing increases in red and decreases in green as reported by Solano County since April of 2020.  Note  the steady increase among children and youth of Solano County.  The population of those age 0-17 in Solano County is roughly 22%.COMPARE: U.S. cases among age 0-17 as percentage of total cases is at 15.4% as of today. (From the CDC covid-data-tracker.)

COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION RATE: Over the last 7 days, Solano has seen SUBSTANTIAL community transmission, with 298 new cases (up from 268 on Monday).  CDC FORMULA: Based on Solano County’s population, 450 cases in 7 days would move Solano up into the CDC’s population-based definition of a HIGH transmission rate, and we will need to drop below 225 cases in 7 days to rate as having only MODERATE community transmission.

ACTIVE CASES: Solano’s 352 ACTIVE cases is up from Monday’s 331, and still far above our summer rates.

CASES BY CITY on Wednesday, November 17:

  • Benicia added 7 new cases today, a total of 1,567 cases since the outbreak began.  Benicia remained at the very top of the MODERATE range of community transmission with 13 new cases over the last 7 days. Benicia has now seen MODERATE 7-day spread for 6 consecutive Solano updates (14 days, since Wed. Nov. 3) – SEE CHART BELOWMODERATE is defined as less than 14 cases, based on Benicia population.  Benicia will need to maintain fewer than 14 new cases per 7 days for 30 consecutive days before relaxing the mask mandate.  See update on Benicia’s mask mandate below.  And note above that Solano County is currently experiencing SUBSTANTIAL transmission.

  • Dixon added 2 new cases today, total of 2,569 cases.
  • Fairfield added 20 new cases today, total of 12,449 cases.
  • Rio Vista reported 2 new cases today, total of 627 cases.
  • Suisun City added 7 new cases today, total of 3,285 cases.
  • Vacaville added 32 new cases today, a total of 12,241 cases.
  • Vallejo added 28 new cases today, a total of 13,568 cases.
  • Unincorporated added 1 new case today, a total of 143 cases.

POSITIVE TEST RATE:  Solano’s 7-day percent positivity rate was 5.2% today, up from 4.6% on Monday.  COMPARE: Today’s California rate is 1.5%.  [Source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Tracking Center]  Today’s U.S. rate is 5.81%. [Source: CDC COVID Data Tracker.] 


CURRENT hospitalizations were down today from 31 to 24 persons, but still above the range we saw during last summer.

TOTAL hospitalizations: Solano County’s TOTAL hospitalized over the course of the pandemic must be independently discovered in the County’s occasional update of hospitalizations by Age Group and by Race/Ethnicity.  Solano Public Health updated its age and race hospitalizations charts today.  The age chart shows 27 previously unreported hospitalizations, one youth age 0-17, 12 persons age 18-49, 6 age 50-64 and 8 age 65+.  The race/ethnicity chart shows 6 Hispanic/Latinx persons and 14 White persons.  Solano hospitals have admitted a NEW TOTAL of 3,017 COVID patients since the beginning of the outbreak.

ICU Bed Availability is 32% today, up from 28% on Monday, back into the GREEN zone.  We remain in the worrisome range we saw during last winter’s surge.

Ventilator Availability today rose today from 60% to 69%.

BREAKING NEWS on Benicia’s mask mandate
Benicia’s mask mandate will remain in effect, at least through December 7.  See
Vallejo also passed an indoors mask mandate on August 31.  In the Bay Area, Solano County REMAINS the only holdout against a mask mandate for public indoors spaces.

SOLANO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS failed to consider an agendized proposal for a countywide MASK MANDATE on Tuesday, September 14.  Recent Bay Area news put Solano in a sad light: all other county health officers issued a joint statement offering details on when they would be able to lift mask mandates (not likely soon).  TV news anchors had to point out that Solano would not be considering such a move since our health officer had not been able to “justify” a mask mandate in the first place.  The Solano Board of Supervisors has joined with Dr. Bela Matyas in officially showing poor leadership on the COVID-19 pandemic.

HOW DOES TODAY’S REPORT COMPARE?  See recent reports and others going back to April 20, 2020 on my ARCHIVE of daily Solano COVID updates (an excel spreadsheet).

>>The data on this page is from the Solano County COVID-19 Dashboard.  The Dashboard is full of much more information and updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday around 4 or 5pm.  On the County’s dashboard, you can hover a mouse or click on an item for more information.  Note the tabs at top for “Summary, Demographics” and “Vaccines.”  Click here to go to today’s Solano County Dashboard.


Open Letter to Benicia City Council: Dr. Richard Fleming on mask mandate

Professional perspective and corrections: vaccine, hospitalizations, role of government, Bay Area comparisons

Email, by Richard Fleming, M.D., November 17, 2021, with permission

Hi Benicia City Council members,

Richard Fleming, M.D.

Thank you for taking the time to discuss and consider the safest way forward for our city during the pandemic. I hope you can take a few minutes to consider the following points:

  1. Vaccination rate.  According to publicly available data from the California Department of Public Health, the fully-vaccinated rate for the city of Benicia is 67.7%.  We have never been above 70% and certainly never been above 80%, numbers which have been mentioned in past city council meetings. (If we include those who got only one shot, the percentage is 76.7%, but the more important number is those who are fully vaccinated.) I strongly urge you to use the CDPH-reported fully-vaccinated rate for Benicia in future city council meetings. Also keep in mind that many fully-vaccinated people have not yet gotten boosters, and are beginning to lose some degree of immunity. Thus, the proportion of our city which has good immunity against covid-19 is actually less that 67.7%.
    You can see the state-provided numbers here:
  2. Vaccine availability is not a good measure of our city’s immunity to covid-19.  It is not a good metric to use in making public health safety decisions. Vaccines are equally available throughout the Bay Area, yet our city’s vaccination rate is below the average vaccination rate for the other 8 Bay Area counties. It is clear that availability of the vaccine does not equate to uptake of the vaccine. It is better to make public health decisions based on the actual level of immunity, rather than the potential level of immunity.
  3. Are cases or hospitalizations a better metric to follow? As Councilmember Largaespada noted at last night’s meeting, covid cases can vary depending on how much testing is being done. He correctly pointed out that the hospitalization rate is a better gauge of the virus’ impact on our city. I am unaware of Benicia-specific hospitalization data, so Solano County’s data is a fair proxy. The August City Council decision used cases as the metric to follow. I strongly urge you to change this metric to hospitalizations, since this measure more accurately captures how the pandemic is affecting our residents. Also, it is important to not view ICU capacity as equivalent to hospitalization rates. Councilmember Largaespada interchangeably referred to ICU capacity and hospitalization rates, but those are two very distinct and different measures. Since treatment options for covid-19 have improved dramatically, many covid-19 patients who are quite sick are now being safely managed on standard medical units or step-down units. The only ones needing ICU beds these days are the sickest of the sick. If ICU capacity in our county is going to be used as a metric, we could have stopped all public health precautions several months ago.
  4. Should covid public health policies let those who choose not to be vaccinated live with the consequences of their decision? At your meeting last night, it was said we at some point need to just move on, and accept the fact the virus will be with us for a long time. Since vaccines are now widely available, it is up to individuals to decide whether to get them or not. I have two responses:
    (a) Yes, covid-19 will likely become endemic at some point, like influenza. But we are not there yet. In fact, we are far from that point. In very bad influenza years, the country loses an average of 142 people per day. Covid-19 is still killing over 1,000 people per day. Covid-19 is surging in many areas of the country and the world, and the coming winter months, along with holiday parties, will very likely increase the risk of viral spread. Most public health experts do anticipate covid-19 will become endemic and something we need to manage in our lives. But we are not there yet.
    (b) Government has always had a role and responsibility to help protect people from themselves. That is why, for example, we have seat belt laws. The availability of seat belts does not necessarily mean they will be used, so we have laws which force people to use them. Even more importantly, government has a role to insure people not make individual decision which harm others. That is why why have drunk driving laws. A person may feel they can hold their liquor and drive safely, but the government has decided to not leave that judgment up to each individual. With covid, those who opt to not be vaccinated are both putting themselves at risk and putting others at risk. It is fully appropriate for government to adopt policies to protect both the individual and the community from those who are putting themselves and others at risk.
  5. What other Bay Area counties are doing. At last night’s meeting, I said that the other eight Bay Area counties are all retaining mask mandates. As was correctly pointed out, Marin has lifted their mask mandate, but it is only lifted for fully-vaccinated people. Partially vaccinated and unvaccinated people are still under a mask mandate. Marin has the highest vaccination rate, the lowest hospitalization rate, and the lowest death rate in the Bay Area. Contra Costa has not yet made a decision to lift their mask mandate. They along with several other counties are lifting mask mandates for selected businesses, but only when 100% of employees and customers are fully vaccinated. The other Bay Area counties have fared better during the pandemic than Solano County, and are approaching easing up on precautions very cautiously. I strongly encourage you to follow a similar approach.

Thank you for your work helping safeguard our community.

Richard Fleming, MD


For details on Council’s discussion and outcome, see: “Benicia City Council debates changing mask mandate, decides to keep in place, will review again on Dec. 7

Benicia City Council debates changing mask mandate, decides to keep in place, will review again on Dec. 7

The Council’s August 24 Mask Mandate remains in place for now

By Roger Straw, November 18, 2021
Benicia Mayor Steve Young

Benicia Mayor Young reported on last night’s City Council meeting that “Council decided not to change the mask requirements but to continue with the same metrics.”

The mandate, he continued, “will be reviewed again at the Dec 7 meeting.  If our 7-day case rates stay below high or substantial for another two weeks, the mandate will be dropped.”

The Mayor agreed with the Benicia Independent and many throughout the community that the City should be wary of dropping the mandate before the holidays and onset of winter.  “I was urging to wait through the holidays,” he wrote.

Dr. Richard Fleming agreed: “While the council agreed to continue the current mask mandate until their December 7 meeting, there appeared to be a desire by some to lift the mandate soon if the current case counts stay where they are for two more weeks.

“I feel strongly,” he continued, “that such a step would be premature and would risk opening the door to more viral spread.  I wrote the Council this morning (see text here), to explain why I think they should reassess the basis on which they decide whether to retain or remove the mask mandate, based on scientific evidence.”

Dr. Fleming added that “Many city residents called in to offer their opinions, and the vast majority were in favor of retaining the mandate until the pandemic has subsided significantly.  A number of callers spoke of the likelihood of a winter surge in cases due to colder weather and holiday gatherings.”

Council rejected a motion by Councilmember Lionel Largaespada to ease the metrics governing the mandate, which would have basically done away with the citywide mask mandate at this time.  Largaespada’s motion died for lack of a second.

Mayor Young was prepared to bring a motion to allow local businesses to voluntarily permit customers to enter maskless if 100% of employees and customers show proof of vaccination.  Young wrote, “The idea generated over 100 form letters of virulent opposition, and were evidently persuasive to council who did not support it.”  Sensing no support, Young chose not to offer the motion, and joined the majority in support of the City’s previously agreed upon mandate metrics – requiring 30 consecutive days below the CDC’s SUBSTANTIAL transmission level (7-day case rate).

For Benicia’s current and recent 7-day case rates, see https://beniciaindependent.com/coronavirus/#beniciacases.

No final vote was required on maintaining the status quo.  As Mayor Young wrote, “Since we weren’t changing existing policy it didn’t require a motion.”

Richard Fleming, M.D.

>> For an important analysis of Council’s discussion, see “Open Letter to Benicia City Council: Dr. Richard Fleming on mask mandate“.

ALERT! Benicia Black Lives Matter comments on tonight’s Council agenda

BBLM issues strong critique of the recommendations for nominees to the CURE subcommittee (Committee United for Racial Equity)

Email, BBLM Leadership, November 16, 2021

The Benicia City Council meeting tonight (Tues., Nov. 16, at 6 pm) requires your attention!  >> Please see BBLM Leadership’s statement regarding concerns with the CURE subcommittee nominees (click here to view).

Here is the agenda for the upcoming City Council meeting: https://docs.google.com/gview?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgranicus_production_attachments.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fbenicia%2Fb68400ce12284b474f83bf91e1f389c60.pdf&embedded=true

Note: We are making a public comment on agenda item 14.B, not a general public comment.

If you plan to make a spoken comment, raise your hand during the item 14 “Appointments” section. You can clarify that you wish to make a public comment on Item 14.B. If you plan to write in with a comment (to be submitted between 6 and 6:15 pm to be read aloud), you can reference Item 14.B in your subject line and in the body of your email. Please be aware that anything you say or write could be entered into the public record.

Some additional details:

    • Emailed written comments received between 2 and 6 pm today will be forwarded to the Council but not entered into public record or posted on the website—so this is probably a time window you should avoid.
    • Emailed written comments received AFTER 6 pm but BEFORE the agenda item’s public comments section is closed (aim for 6:15 as the tail end of your window), will be READ ALOUD at the meeting—this is preferred over the 2 to 6 pm window listed above because it’s more impactful.
      For dial-in instructions, please review the agenda.
    • For emailed comments, you can email Lisa Wolfe at lwolfe@ci.benicia.ca.us

Thank you!