Tag Archives: Coronavirus COVID 19

Solano County revamps COVID-19 website – new information on positive cases

UPDATE: See today’s latest information

By Roger Straw, March 24, 2020
Solano County revised the layout on its Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources page today.  The new design makes it easier to access relevant information, but requires an extra click on the orange “Number of Cases” button to discover the daily count of positive cases.

The orange button takes you to a SOLANO DASHBOARD, which, as of this morning (March 24, 2020) gives a bit more detail than previously known.  Turns out the County reported a surge in cases yesterday, but those cases were tested over the last week, as shown in the “Date of specimen collection” chart (upper right).  The Solano County curve spiked yesterday, but based on testing over the previous week.

Positive cases of COVID-19 in Solano County as of this morning (March 24, 2020)

The chart at bottom right, “Cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases…” gives a clearer picture of the surge reported yesterday.

Also of interest on the number of cases DASHBOARD:

  • Differentiation between Total number of cases and Active cases.
  • Total number hospitalized
  • Proportion of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 (coming soon)
  • Total number of deaths (0 as of March 24)
  • Total number of cases by age groups
  • Total residents tested every day (coming soon)

The age breakdown seems rather wide, grouping together everyone 19-64 years.  Still, it is remarkable that only a third of positive cases are 65 and older.

Solano has come under criticism for downplaying the seriousness of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  The new Number of cases DASHBOARD begins to correct that, although we still don’t know where in the county the outbreak is located.


Solano County has provided little detail on who has tested positive and where in the County they live.

We only know a few details on two of Solano County’s 21 cases.  The nation’s first patient-to-patient or community-spread case of Covid-19 was a Vacaville woman who arrived Feb. 15 at NorthBay VacaValley Hospital in Vacaville and was later transferred to UC Davis hospital in Sacramento.  And today’s Vallejo Times-Herald reports that a Vallejo police officer has tested positive.

Solano was slow to join other Bay Area counties in ordering a stay at home order.  The order was issued on March 18, as was a widely distributed email which lacked the warning that “Violation of or failure to comply with this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.”

COVID-19 in Solano County – sudden uptick in cases, now at 21

UPDATE: See today’s latest information

Yesterday there were 14 confirmed cases.  Today half-again more, total of 21.

Solano County update on March 23, 2020

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Updates and Resources

2019 Novel Coronavirus
**Please note: the situation changes often, and this page will be updated with the latest guidance. Solano Public Health is committed to consistently sharing all relevant information as we learn it.**SOLANO COUNTY SHELTER AT HOME ORDER IS IN ALIGNMENT WITH GOVERNOR NEWSOM’S STAY AT HOME ORDER, WHICH WILL REMAIN IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Shelter at Home 101 Guide
Guia para el Refugio en Casa

Shelter at Home Health Order and Directive
3-18-20 Orden y Directiva de Salud para El Refugio en CasaFrequently Asked Questions
Solano Public Health Coronavirus General FAQ
Salud Publica de Solano Coronavirus Preguntas Frequentes Comunes
Coronavirus Basics (CDC)
Coronavirus Information from the State (CDPH)

 Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in Solano County: 21  COVID-19 Related Deaths in Solano County: 0
– Updated daily at 2pm –

Situation Summary
Effective March 18, 2020, Solano County has issued a countywide Shelter at Home Health Order and Directive to continue protecting the health and safety of our community, clarify directive guidance in accordance with the Governor, and ensure consistent compliance across the County with social distancing and self-isolation measures. These mitigation measures are disruptive, but critical to curb the growing number of cases resulting from community spread, particularly given that most those infected show mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.Solano County Coronavirus Warm Line
Solano County has a warm line to answer questions from the public about COVID-19:
Call 707-784-8988
Hours (subject to change): 7am-6pm Monday-Friday
Community Resources
Here is a list of community resources available for workers, small business owners, and community members in Solano County
For information, updates and resources from the State of California, visit COVID19.CA.GOV
Here is a list of County public services and programs impacted by COVID-19Current Guidance and Recommendations for the Community
3-19-20 Guidance for Homeless Assistance Providers3-18-20 Shelter at Home Health Order and Directive
3-18-20 Orden y Directiva de Salud para El Refugio en Casa3-18-20 Guidance for Childcare Providers

3-17-20 Guidance and Directives from the State of California
These guidance documents include information for:
• Food, beverage and other services
• Self-isolation for older adults and those who have elevated risk
• Adult and senior care facilities
• Community care facilities
• Food industries
• Gatherings
• Homeless assistance providers
• Immigrant communitiesHow to Protect Yourself
Visit the CDC for information about how to protect yourself from coronavirus
Take these precautions to stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses:
• If your work is not considered an essential service, stay home as much as possible
• Practice social distancing measures when outside and maintain 6ft distance between yourself and others
• Wash hands with liquid soap and water and rub for at least 20 seconds;
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing; and
• Stay home if you are sick

What to Do if You are Feeling Sick
If you develop a fever or have lower respiratory symptoms (cough, fever or shortness of breath), first call your health care provider.
Let the provider know that you are experiencing respiratory illnesses before visiting the doctor’s office or emergency room.

Press Releases
3-18-20 Solano County issues shelter at home health order and directive to clarify social distancing measures
3-18-20 El Condado de Solano presenta una Orden y Directiva de Salud para El Refugio en Casa
3-17-20 Solano County Public Health emphasizes the Governor’s measures to promote social distancing
3-15-20 Additional Solano County case of COVID-19 found at Travis Air Force Base
3-01-20 Alameda and Solano Public Health Departments confirm two cases of COVID-19
2-28-20 CDC confirms additional case of COVID-19 due to travel-associated exposure
2-27-20 County Public Health confirms case of COVID-19 through possible community transmission
1-30-20 County Public Health closely monitors novel coronavirus

COVID-19 Fact Sheets, Posters & Graphics
State of California: COVID-19 Videos & Graphics
CDC What You Need to Know About COVID-19 
(English) | (Spanish)
CDC Stop the Spread of Germs (English) | (Spanish)
CDC Life is Better with Clean Hands (English and Spanish)
CDC What to Do If You Are Sick (English) | (Spanish)
Visitor Sign/Post Outside Facilities serving Vulnerable Populations (English)

Information for Providers
Provider Health Alerts

Solano Public Health on Social Media
Facebook: @SolanoCountyPH
Instagram: Solano Public Health

Additional Resources
For the latest updates from the CDC, visit cdc.gov/covid19
For the latest updates from the White House, visit coronavirus.gov
For the latest updates from the State of California, visit covid19.ca.gov

City of Benicia COVID-19 Update 03.22.20 – Business Resources and Support

See March 23 update: COVID-19 in Solano County – sudden uptick in cases, now at 21

And on March 24:

And on March 25: Covid-19 in Solano – 7 more on Wed March 25

Original March 22 post: Business Resources & Support:

The City of Benicia issued the following press release on Business Resources and Support during the coronavirus emergency:


City Hall, 250 East L Street
Benicia, California 94510
Contact: Lorie Tinfow, City Manager

FOR MARCH 22, 2020
Business Resources and Support

Benicia, CA (March 22, 2020) — During the unprecedented and unexpected business closures and shelter-at-home orders, many Benicia business owners find themselves in dire need of help to weather the COVID-19 emergency. The City of Benicia’s Economic Development division is sharing business support information and resources.

“In the past week, our business community and their employees have grappled with changing guidelines and ever more stringent restrictions. We know that this has caused great uncertainty and anxiety,” said Economic Development Manager Mario Giuliani. “The City’s Economic Development staff are focused to assist our businesses to learn about and apply for the programs developed by our State and Federal partners to support employers and employees during this emergency.”

Rapid Response Services for Businesses
Solano Small Business Development Center is standing by to help businesses facing potential layoffs or business closures. Start by filling out the client intake form at jotform.com/build/200757157479162 or reach out to Pamela Clemmons at 707.307.3986.

Aid with Loan Applications
The Northern CA Small Business Development Center (SBDC) network produced multiple webinars last week to help small businesses weather the current storm and to specifically provide help with completing the Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Loan application. The webinars are available at norcalsbdc.org/coping-covid-19-webinars-northern-california-sbdcnetwork. There is a place for businesses to enter their contact information so that they will be sent invitations and links to all upcoming webinars that will occur over the next few weeks.

SBDC and SBA Assistance Links
The SBDC and the SBA are there to help businesses with no-cost advising and assist with apply for SBA Economic Injury loans:
• One-on-One (no-cost) SBDC Advising at solanosbdc.org
• Download the COVID-19 Small Business Survival Guide at norcalsbdc.org/sites/default/files/Covid-19-survivalguide_sbdc_updated32020.pdf
• SBA Disaster Loans at disasterloan.sba.gov/ela

Additional Links
• Information on State and Federal support, financing and FAQs at
• Small Business Resource List attached
• State Go-Biz resources and assistance at business.ca.gov/coronavirus-2019

Essential Business Definition
A key question many have been asking is about the Governor’s stay-at-home order and what is an essential business. This link provides helpful information to determine what is deemed an essential business: covid19.ca.gov/stayhome-except-for-essential-needs

Moratorium on Disconnections/Deferral of Fees/Extended Deadlines
The City has implemented a moratorium on utility service disconnections and late fees for non-payment for water and sewer service due to the COVID-19 emergency and the current closure of City Hall offices. Details are available at ci.benicia.ca.us/utilitybilling. The deadlines for business license tax renewals and transient occupancy tax payments have also been extended to June 15, 2020. The City is developing an emergency ordinance to prevent commercial and residential evictions.

For business questions or assistance, contact Economic Development Manager Mario Giuliani at mgiuliani@ci.benicia.ca.us or call 707.746.4289.



Solano County’s about-face: Why officials resisted, then adopted coronavirus shelter-at-home order

San Francisco Chronicle, by Rachel Swan, March 21, 2020 11:34 a.m
People under quarantine at Travis Air Force Base wander through the facility. Robert Archer, who is there with his wife, said the common areas get very crowded and long lines form for meals.
People under quarantine at Travis Air Force Base wander through the facility. Robert Archer, who is there with his wife, said the common areas get very crowded and long lines form for meals. Photo: Robert Archer / Robert Archer

Solano County Supervisor Skip Thomson was livid.

Coronavirus was rapidly spreading in the Bay Area, and county health leaders were uniting in unprecedented orders to the public: stay at home.

It started Monday, with six of the nine Bay Area counties issuing orders — San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa and Marin. On Tuesday, Sonoma County joined, and Napa signaled it would soon join.

But Solano County was a holdout.

“I had a talk with our county administrator,” on Tuesday, Thomson said. “I told her my thoughts about sheltering in place. She said ‘We don’t want to alarm the public.’”

County administrator Birgitta Corsello called Thomson’s recollection inaccurate, but she did not elaborate, according to spokesman Matthew Davis.

On Tuesday, Solano County Health Officer Bela Matyas released a statement to the public about the coronavirus and the shelter-in-place orders other counties had issued. He conveyed the message via a YouTube video posted on the county’s official website.

In the video, Matyas sat at a desk with his sleeves rolled up and delivered a nine-minute monologue over looped guitar music. He dismissed the shelter-in-place orders as essentially just social distancing orders that mirrored guidelines the state and federal government already put out.

“For those of you who are familiar with the concept of ‘shelter in place,’ it’s used in situations when it’s dangerous to go outside because the air is dangerous, so if there’s been a toxic chemical spill or a fire with smoke,” Matyas said. He added that “shelter in place” was not the right terminology for what’s actually social distancing.

Over the next few hours, emails poured into Thomson’s inbox. Most of them came from perplexed or frustrated residents, questioning why Solano County was not taking action.

By the end of the next day, Wednesday, the county did an about-face, issuing an order instructing residents to stay in their homes as much as possible. By Friday, Matyas’ video was made private, so the public could no longer view it.

Board of Supervisors President Erin Hannigan said she asked that the video be taken down.

“It wasn’t helpful anymore,” she said. “It needed to be altered. There were some statements he made that were no longer true … and I couldn’t stand the music.”

Davis added that the video “understandably, wasn’t tracking well with the public.” It drew a string of comments on YouTube and the county Facebook page, some of which “were not supportive,” he noted.

Thomson said that after talking to the county administrator Tuesday, he emailed Hannigan requesting a special meeting to plan for the pandemic. He said Hannigan did not respond. When he complained to Assistant County Administrator Nancy Huston, she told him the county would not hold a special meeting. Its next regular meeting is scheduled for March 24.

“What kind of message does that send to our residents?” Thomson asked.

Hannigan said later that she did reply to Thomson, but that there was no need for the board to meet. Top county officials were already “having a conversation” behind the scenes “about an order we would put out,” she said. “We wanted to make sure the nomenclature was correct.”

In the meantime, constituents were flooding Thomson with emails that showed an overwhelming sense of confusion and a lack of confidence in the county government.

“I am shocked at the utter lack of proactive response that is being taken by our county health officer Bela Matyas,” Vacaville resident Heather Smolen wrote in an email shared with The Chronicle. “In the video he recently posted online he stated that a shelter in place would cause people to ‘overreact.’ I beg to differ, I feel that a shelter in place for Solano County would cause people to finally take the risk of coronavirus seriously.”

Thomson began forwarding the emails — probably 70 of them, he said — to Huston. Other supervisors said they were also getting slammed.

“I received a lot of calls from people asking why we weren’t adopting a shelter-in-place (order),” Supervisor Jim Spering said. “I passed that on to the county administrator.”

Matyas was not available for comment Friday. Davis said all the supervisors were feeling pressure from their constituents to issue orders, and that Corsello and Matyas were trying to act as quickly as possible.

Yet many residents sensed there was no urgency to act in their county. Some were baffled by Matyas’ reluctance to enact strict interventions, in part because Solano County was the first county in the nation to report a case of coronavirus that couldn’t be traced to overseas travel or contact with an infected person. It also houses Travis Air Force Base, a quarantine center for Americans repatriated from trips abroad, and for passengers of the Grand Princess cruise ship.

So far 14 Solano County residents have tested positive for the virus, though none have died.

The notion that Solano County was still open for business troubled Vallejo Mayor Bob Sampayan. He said many Vallejo residents worried that people from other counties would flock in, causing the virus to spread more quickly. Residents were also mystified by the stark disconnect between Matyas’ video and the advisories that Vallejo was posting on its own social media channels, telling people to stay inside.

“I received concerned correspondences from constituents,” Sampayan said. “Folks were saying, ‘Look, the governor and the CDC are telling us one thing, and then we’re getting this’” other message.

He surmised that the public outcry caused Matyas to “rethink his stance.”

Spering defended Matyas. He was wary of the shelter-in-place edicts, since they force people to miss work and disrupt the economy. Although some people called him to demand more aggressive measures, others were distraught about losing their jobs.

“I’ve been getting calls from moms who have two kids, work in two restaurants, and 40% of their income is tips,” Spering said. “We have a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck.”

Still, as a longstanding politician, Spering knew he’d feel pressure to eventually deliver a shelter-at-home order.

Thomson remains frustrated. He never bothered to watch Matyas’ video.

“Once the first six counties announced that order, it seemed like we should follow suit really quickly,” he said. “But then it took us (three) days to figure it out.

“I’ve been vindicated,” he added. “But that’s not really my purpose.”