Benicia Unified School District
Superintendent Update, December 18, 2020
Dear BUSD Staff and Families:

I hope this communication finds you and your families well and taking in the beauty and joy of this holiday season. As we head into winter break, I wanted to provide you with the following updates:
Last Night’s Board Meeting Regarding In-person Learning: The Board Trustees unanimously approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), that was passed by the Benicia Teachers’ Association. The MOU outlines the impacts and effects related to any in-person learning and was part of the motion the Trustees passed at the November19th Board meeting.
As a reminder, the Board Trustees voted 3-2 at that Board meeting to approve the implementation of in-person learning: Pending eligibility on the California State Government’s four-tiered system and approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with our Benicia Teachers Association (BTA) to implement in-person hybrid learning. In my update of Friday November 20th, I clarified by stating until that happens, BUSD we will remain in virtual instruction at least through the winter break.
While the Board Trustees did pass the MOU last night, they asked for the November 19th item to be brought back to the January 14th board meeting for further discussion regarding the timeline for implementation. This means we will remain in our virtual learning model at least until the January 14th board meeting. I will provide an update following that meeting.
Trustee Changes: During last night’s meeting, we also thanked outgoing trustee Dr. Stacy Holguin for her outstanding work as a Board Trustee during the past five-and-a-half years. Thank you Dr. Holguin! You served with distinction and we are forever grateful for your commitment to BUSD. We also swore in two trustees: Dr. Gethsemane Moss, who has served on the Board since August 2019 and is starting a new, four-year term, and welcomed CeCe Grubbs, who is starting her first four-year term.
Our Amazing Food Services Department: I want to give a shout-out to Ms. Tania Courntey, our Director of Food Services, and her absolutely amazing team, for preparing meal packages for over 400 of our BUSD families. These food packages cover the two-week winter break period and were provided free to any family who requested one. Thank you Ms. Courtney and team!!
The Future: As we head into the holidays for a much needed break, I sincerely hope everyone is able to find ways to safely connect with family and friends in ways that build strong and supportive bonds. We need each other more now than ever.
As a school district, we will continue our ongoing focus on providing the best educational experience for all of our students. We will continue the important focus, from the Board level to the classroom, on equity and opportunity, striving to ensure the success of all our students (all means all), while focusing on any barriers that may impede the success of any student in our system.
The future is bright for our great district and I have the utmost confidence in our entire team as we continue to reflect, improve and keep our focus on our most noble task: helping each student reach his or her potential in a safe and welcoming learning environment.
Happy Holidays Everyone! Be safe and be well.
Charles F. Young, Ed.D.
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