Tag Archives: #wearamask

Countywide Mask Mandate? Solano Board of Supervisors to discuss on Sept 14

Benicia was the first Solano city to take action despite the County’s lack of strong guidance on masks.  Benicia was joined by Vallejo on August 31.  In the Bay Area, Solano County REMAINS the only holdout against even RECOMMENDING masks in public indoors spaces. 

BUT WAIT…  The Solano County Board of Supervisors has agendized a consideration of a MASK MANDATE on Tuesday, September 14.  Good news??  Maybe not!  The description of the agenda item uses mandate language as follows: “Consider and provide direction regarding a Board Member request for the establishment of mandatory indoor face mask order for Solano County.”  BUT… County staff has offered a DRAFT resolution that merely “encourages” and “recommends” and doesn’t even use the words “mask” or “face covering” in the body of the resolution.  Your comments might be important before or during the Board’s Tuesday September 14 meeting.  For instructions on how to participate, see the Sept 14 Agenda.

Vallejo Votes Yes on Mask Mandate

Solano’s biggest city joins Benicia, votes to go its own way

NBC Bay Area News, August 31, 2021

Vallejo Adopts Indoor Mask Mandate

Solano County is the only Bay Area county that still does not have a mask mandate, but on Tuesday, its biggest city voted to go its own way.

‘We Could Not Wait for the County’: Benicia Passes Its Own Mask Mandate

KQED News: Benicia Breaks with Solano County on Masks

Steve Young, mayor of the City of Benicia, says it was important that the city’s mask mandate was unanimous. (Ericka Cruz Guevarra/KQED)

KQED News, by Ericka Cruz Guevarra. Devin Katayama, and Alan Montecillo, Aug 30, 2021

In early August, eight Bay Area counties reinstated mask mandates in indoor public spaces due to the spread of the Delta variant. Solano County was the only one that didn’t.

Last week, the city of Benicia broke with the county by approving — by a unanimous city council vote — its own indoor mask mandate.

Today, we speak with the city’s mayor about this decision, and what it says about differences within Solano County.

Guest: Steve Young, Mayor of Benicia


Ericka Cruz Guevarra: [00:00:00] I’m Erica Cruz Guevarra, and you’re listening to The Bay, local news to keep you rooted.  Mask requirements are pretty common here in the Bay Area, except where I’m at in Solano County, but last week the city of Benicia decided to break away with the rest of the county by passing its own indoor mascot mandate.

Steve Young: [00:00:23] If people had a different attitude about this thing, it would be done. We wouldn’t be having this conversation. We wouldn’t have people continuing to die all across the country. And it’s making it so partisan and political is not in anybody’s interest today.


City of Benicia website posts information on new Face Covering Mandate

From the City of Benicia website, August 25, 2021

Press Release, Resolution and Flyer: City of Benicia Takes Action to Require Face Coverings in Indoor Public Places

  •  Press Release City of Benicia Takes Action to Require Face Coverings in Indoor Public Places
    Benicia, CA (August 25, 2021) — At Tuesday evening’s Benicia City Council meeting, Council Members voted 5-0 in support of a resolution requiring that each person, aged 4 years and over, wear a face covering when in any indoor or enclosed space open to the public within the City of Benicia.  [continued…]
  • Resolution 21-88 Face Coverings
    WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 8630 empowers the City Council to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a Local Emergency when the City is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity; and  [continued…]
  • Indoor Mask Requirement Flyer (Click image to download PDF version of the flyer)
    Click image to download PDF version of the flyer