Category Archives: Benicia

Poor representation for Mexican-Americans created a cultural vacuum in Benicia. ‘La Migra’ filled it.

Sheri Leigh speaks with long-time Benicia resident about ‘La Migra’ for a Mexican-American perspective

Sheri Leigh
Sheri Leigh, Benicia resident and educator.

I first connected with Jennifer (a pseudonym) when she responded to my editorial on the ‘La Migra Games,’ which I posted on Nextdoor as well as local newspapers. When I met with her, I felt very much at ease with this highly educated and soft-spoken 65-year-old Mexican-American woman. She shared her experiences as a woman of Color in this community and the pain elicited by the title and intent of the ‘La Migra’ games. Tears came to my eyes as she talked about never feeling accepted by the people in this community and the trauma of growing up as a child of undocumented parents. We are both new grandmothers, each of a child with Mexican heritage, and we both fervently hope they do not have the same fearful experiences

Photo by ev on Unsplash.

Jennifer and her husband first moved to Benicia when their daughter was very young. They moved here for the quiet, connected community and the quality of the schools. She lived in Benicia for 15 years, while her daughter attended Benicia public schools. When her daughter graduated, Jennifer moved closer to her job in East Bay, returning to Benicia upon her retirement. 

During her first 15 years in Benicia, Jennifer was an involved parent of a Benicia student. She was frequently in the company of other local mothers, usually as the only woman of Color in the group. She often felt isolated at meetings. The other women mostly ignored her when chatting or attempted awkward engagement by making disingenuous comments about her ‘exotic clothing’ and colorful styles. Jennifer felt out of place, but continued to participate for the sake of her daughter. 

Jennifer’s conversations with her daughter revealed that her child felt much the same way. Jennifer’s daughter was a good student and became involved in many activities. Most of her daughter’s ‘friends’ were white, but she admitted to her mother that she felt uncomfortable at social activities. She thought she was invited not because she was considered part of the group, but because she was a novelty, a child of mixed race who didn’t feel like she fit in. The girl didn’t see other children who looked like her or who had a Mexican mother. The daughter was so uncomfortable growing up in Benicia that when she went on to college, she vowed never to live here again. 

Events and programs honoring Latin America’s varied and rich cultural heritage are relatively rare in Benicia, even though Hispanics and Latinos represent almost 14% of our population, making them our second-largest demographic group. | Photo by Fili Santillán on Unsplash.

When Jennifer moved back to Benicia a few years ago, she was hoping for more diversity and progress towards equity. Instead, she became even more aware of the lack of inclusion for people of non-white heritage in this community. She was especially disheartened by the blatant disregard for Mexican culture or history. Even though there is a significant Mexican-American/Latino population living and working in the area, Jennifer could not help noticing that there is little to no discussion or celebration of Mexican Independence Day, Day of the Dead, or Cinco de Mayo in Benicia schools. There has been no representation of Mexican culture at our Diversity Festival in the last two years. 

It is in this cultural vacuum that students began to play a chase ‘game’ they call ‘La Migra.’

When Jennifer saw the alert from the Benicia Police Department on Nextdoor about the ‘La Migra’ games, she was horrified. She saw the title as a tribute to the terror undocumented individuals have experienced over the last 75 years – and continue to experience – when pursued by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents (ICE), who are commonly referred to as La Migra. 

Years of cruelty and corruptive collaboration between ICE officers and agriculture operators like growers have added to their fears. It was not uncommon (and still isn’t) for farmers to hire a crew of undocumented workers during harvest season only to call ‘La Migra’ and have their workers rounded up for deportation during the final days of the job, to avoid paying them the agreed upon, below-market rate for the hard work they had done. The lack of humanity in this unethical practice is comparable to antebellum slavery practices. 

ICE raids targeting food processing plants led to the detention of more than 680 workers in one Mississippi county in 2019. Worried children separated from their parents waved them goodbye, unable to return home until their community picked up the pieces. | Rogelio V. Solis, AP.

Jennifer’s father and grandparents were among those industrious, yet undocumented Mexican migrants who escaped from the extreme poverty, disease and unsafe conditions of their homeland to make a better life for themselves and their family in the US. They spoke in hushed tones about their plans should ‘La Migra’ find them. She heard stories about the abuse suffered by captured immigrants at the hands of ‘La Migra,’ and feared for her family’s lives and her own, if something should happen to them. The title of the ‘game’ triggers trauma she and millions of other undocumented Latinos have experienced over generations of pursuit. Sadly, their experience is NOT a game. 

Jennifer had commented on the police Nextdoor article, comparing the game to a hate crime, but was met with backlash. When my article came out, she messaged me privately because she was too traumatized by her previous experience, having faced a torrent of angry and spiteful commentary from many insensitive readers. Withstanding the abuse, she then made calls to the police department, the Mayor’s office and Benicia’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Manager about the games – but her attempts to elicit some reassurance and response were met with varying degrees of professional dismissiveness. Jennifer still feels demoralized by the lack of concern from both the Nextdoor readers and the public officials. Rather than being valued, she senses hostility from other members of our community and complacency within the leadership of the government and schools. 

I feel honored that Jennifer shared her story with me. Hers is the experience of a daughter of immigrants who has done everything she can to be a hard-working, law-abiding, caring and productive American – yet she is continually treated as a second-class citizen. 

Aren’t we all human beings with experiences and feelings that deserve to be recognized, honored and respected? Didn’t many of our ancestors and family members who came here willingly, come to this country to escape hardship and work towards a better life? Jennifer cares about this community and the people in it. 

If the ‘La Migra Games’ brings this pain to Jennifer, I will share her burden, as should we all. 

Share your story

If you would like Sheri to hear and share your perspective on the ‘La Migra’ Game, please contact her through the Benicia Independent. Remember that it is your story that is critical for others to hear, not your name, unless you would like to be identified.
Reach out to Sheri:
Leave a voicemail for the BenIndy: ‪(707) 385-9972‬

(This is not a live line. You will be sent straight to voicemail.)


Versions of this story may be shared by other print and online sources, including the Benicia Herald. The Herald does not have an online edition. To support our local newspaper, please subscribe by email at or by phone at 707-745-6838.

BPD Chief on ‘La Migra’ 2023 – 20 students ‘apprehended,’ one facing charges

Sheri Leigh spoke with Benicia Police Chief Mike Greene about the facts – but not the implications – of ‘La Migra’

Sheri Leigh
Sheri Leigh

Since I know that the police are very much impacted by the ‘La Migra’ Game, I thought it was important to engage Benicia Police Chief Mike Greene and Public Information Officer Irma Widjojo in this important conversation. The three of us met one morning at the police station to discuss the impacts of the game on public safety and trends, but I also wanted to get their perspectives. Chief Green was firm in his opinion that the game should be eliminated, but maintained his position from a public safety standpoint, rather than the personal trauma or racially charged implications of the game. As a professional in a very prominent position of local law enforcement, I felt Chief Greene had to be careful of presenting only the facts, not the implications.  – Sheri Leigh

Benicia Chief of Police Mike Greene is a 30-year law enforcement veteran, long-time Benicia resident and graduate of Benicia High School. | Uncredited image from BPD website.

Our Public Safety at Risk

The annual high school student-led ‘La Migra’ Game is designed to be a rite of passage for underclassmen. The juniors and seniors give the younger students who are participating a head start and then try to catch them before they reach the “safety zone,” which is in another part of town. The specific date, starting, and end points of the game are kept a secret by the upperclassmen until the final moment. It’s a game of chase that is played outside of school jurisdiction. The game is scheduled on a weekend evening in the spring, so the light is varying and lots of people are out enjoying the improving weather and charm of our community. It typically carries over into public areas, including First Street.

A lawn with kids running away.
‘La Migra’ is slang for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and is the name used for this controversial game based on ICE agents deporting undocumented immigrants. This image is from a 2018 video showing footage of the Game starting. |

‘It’s not a game to everyone’

Many say that the Game is a community tradition. But it’s not a game to everyone. The Benicia Police Department, headed by long-time Benicia resident, Benicia High School alumni, and 30-year law enforcement veteran Police Chief Mike Greene, finds this game to be a serious threat to public safety and a drain on public resources.

Each year the ‘Game’ is played, the department receives a huge increase in calls that evening, requesting police help on everything from noise disturbances to traffic safety issues, trespassing and assault. The captors are generally in a vehicle, while the targets are on foot. When captors spot one of their targets, a chase ensues. This leads to unsafe and even reckless driving by young and inexperienced drivers, and young people on foot jumping fences, going on to private property, and/or running in and out of traffic to avoid “capture.”

In the more recent years, it appears there has been an increase in the vehemence of the chase. Some of the participants are publicly yelling profanities and racially or sexually charged names at their targets as they pursue. This year and last, a few of the pursuers used a gel-pellet gun (Orbeez brand) to brandish and fire at their targets.

This is the Orbeez-brand ‘P90 Assault Rifle.’ Orbeez sells a variety of gel-pellet weapons mimicking the appearance of real weapons, including this gel-pellet assault rifle, a submachine gun and a gatling gun. | Image from Orbeez Gun’s website.

Worse yet, there are young people who did not intend to participate, many of whom did not even know the game was in play, who have been targeted. This creates fear and trauma among the unwitting visitors and members of our community, and takes away from providing a safe environment for everyone that the police department and community leaders work so hard to sustain.

20 Benicia youth ‘apprehended’ in 2023; one student referred to Solano DA

When looked at from a broad perspective, there is a tremendous amount of potential for community disaster. The likelihood of someone getting seriously injured or killed, whether or not they are actually “playing,” is high. It’s easy to imagine a scenario where a student being chased runs into the street to avoid capture and is hit by a car. Or a small child inadvertently wanders between a pursuer who is firing a gel-pellet gun and a target and is hit in a vulnerable part of their body. It is only a matter of time before something disastrous occurs. In addition, the ‘Game’ creates trauma for those who are not voluntarily involved and yet are affected – who are, in effect, collateral damage.  [Note from BenIndy Contributor Nathalie Christian: Toy guns can kill. Sometimes they kill directly, like when a 13-year-old girl was shot in the eye with a BB pellet on Independence Day, 2022. Sometime they kill indirectly — police have killed at least 245 people carrying toy guns after mistaking them for real firearms, according to the Washington Post.]

‘La Migra’ is costly, and Benicians pay the price

Police Chief Mike Greene is very much in favor of disbanding the ‘La Migra’ Game. The police department maintains a proactive enforcement approach by working in conjunction with the Benicia Unified School District and other community agents.

This year, they were able to learn the time and date the ‘Game’ was to be held, about a week ahead of time. The chief put five additional officers on active duty that evening, most of them on overtime. Officers were on hand to follow through when calls came in, and approximately 20 teens who were involved with the ‘Game’ were apprehended.

After the young people received a lecture on public safety, their guardians were called, and the circumstances and safety concerns regarding the Game’s danger’s were explained before remanding the youths to parental custody. One youth was referred to the District Attorney’s office on charges of battery for use of a gel-pellet gun. Although these efforts tapped police and community resources on an already tight budget, it was the most success the police force has had at intervening in the ‘Game’ and curtailing some of the dangers. They will continue their advanced efforts into the future until the ‘Game’ is no longer a threat to our community.

From a purely objective standpoint, Benicia is a safe community. According to the statistics put out by the United States Department of Justice, the crime rate in the City of Benicia is relatively low. For example, in 2019, we had 16 reports of violent crime, which is much lower than nearly all other Bay Area cities of a similar size, such as El Cerrito (152) and East Palo Alto (144) and Pleasant Hill (88). ‘La Migra’ threatens the status Benicia has earned by creating an unsafe environment for participants and non-participants alike.

It needs to stop.

Sheri Leigh to join BUSD Board President Sheri Zada in discussion about racism in schools Tuesday, June 13, 7pm (over Zoom)

Sheri Leigh has been involved in matters of equity and restorative justice practice throughout most of her adult life.  She has volunteered on Equity committees at nearly all of her workplaces; at three different high schools, she introduced and facilitated “Link Crew,” a program designed to welcome and include all high school newcomers. She has been a supporting member of Benicia Black Lives Matter since 2020.  Sheri is the facilitator and author of the “Our Voices” articles on matters of current and historical racial injustices, and is currently working on exposing the complex, somewhat dangerous, and often damaging tradition of Benicia’s “La Migra” games.

Sheri Zada is President of the Benicia Unified School District School Board.  She has been on the board since 2018.  Sheri is a retired school librarian and union rep.  She also has worked with special needs children.  She is the mother of two sons.  Sheri has also been on the City of Benicia Tourism Committee.  She is a strong advocate to stand up against gun violence and was an organizer for the first  Benicia March for Our Lives.

This event is free and open to the public, not just PDB members. Use the Zoom information below to access the meeting.

Join PDB Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 823 6210 9045
Passcode: 039610

One tap mobile
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Share your story

If you would like Sheri to hear and share your perspective on the ‘La Migra’ Game, please contact her through the Benicia Independent. Remember that it is your story that is critical for others to hear, not your name, unless you would like to be identified.
Reach out to Sheri:
Leave a voicemail for the BenIndy: ‪(707) 385-9972‬

(This is not a live line. You will be sent straight to voicemail.)


Versions of this story may be shared by other print and online sources, including the Benicia Herald. The Herald does not have an online edition. To support our local newspaper, please subscribe by email at or by phone at 707-745-6838.

Benicia Vice-Mayor Scott credits community for fight to keep Benicia boards funded

Vice-Mayor Terry Scott honored the hours-long outpouring of community support for Benicia’s Arts & Culture Commission and Human Services Board with a special message

Benicia Vice-Mayor Terry Scott celebrated the many Benicians who wrote, called and showed up to support continued funding for the Arts & Culture Commission and Human Services Board. | Uncredited image.


Message from Benicia Vice-Mayor Terry Scott, June 7, 2023:

After almost four hours of passionate and insightful community testimony, City Council last night agreed to continue future funding for the Arts and Culture Commission and the Human Services Board.  

The extended community testimony and the City Council’s decision to continue funding the Arts and Culture Commission and the Human Services Board demonstrate the importance of community engagement in local governance.

I believe when individuals passionately express their thoughts and concerns, it helps shape decisions that directly impact the well-being and development of the city. 

The ongoing support and participation of Benicians  in the decision making process will undoubtedly continue to play a crucial role in the future of the city as we move into balancing our community priorities within the scope of our budget crisis.  

Thanks to all who participated. 

Terry Scott 
Vice-Mayor of Benicia


[Note from BenIndy Contributor Nathalie Christian: This was a hard battle, fought brilliantly by dedicated community members, and supported by Benicia City Council’s ‘listening leadership.’ Although City staff initially recommended that the ACC and HSB budgets both be reduced to zero for fiscal years ’24/’25, City Council Members ultimately voted to reduce the ACC’s budget by only ~25 percent, and the HSB’s budget was reduced along roughly the same lines. I join Vice-Mayor Scott in thanking everyone who took the time to be heard, and I also thank Benicia’s Mayor Steve Young, Vice-Mayor Scott, and Council Members Kari Birdseye, Tom Campbell and Trevor Macenski for actively encouraging and accepting community feedback as they work to address Benicia’s budget crisis.]


Two local artists share why we must protect arts & culture in Benicia. Here’s how to add your voice to theirs

Photo by “My Life Through A Lens” on Unsplash.
By Nathalie Christian, June 5, 2023

City Council will vote on the future of arts and culture in Benicia this Tuesday, June 6, at the City Council meeting starting at 6 pm.

In light of Benicia’s budget crisis, City staff have apparently recommended that Benicia’s Arts & Culture Commission’s already modest budget be reduced to zero.

Gutting the commission’s budget so drastically will negatively impact Benicia both materially and immaterially. There are so many essential arts, music, dance and theater programs in Benicia that, while supported by our community, also rely on City funding to fully serve residents and visitors. Such funding reaches highly respected organizations like Arts Benicia, Benicia Old Town Theatre Group, Benicia Performing Arts Foundation and Benicia Ballet through modest grants carefully considered by and disbursed through the Arts & Culture Commission.

This move by City staff arose from the need to address Benicia’s budget issues, but it is also short-sighted. The reduction and threatened total cessation of the wonderful programs, exhibits and performances Benicia has traditionally been able to offer its residents and visitors will certainly have a negative impact on Benicia’s appeal, leading to additional decreases in Benicia’s growth and revenue.

And that impact is nothing compared to the threatened cost to the mind, body and soul of our small but mighty city; the tangible and intangible things that make Benicia Benicia.

To protect Benicia’s future as both a home to and destination for the arts, performance and cultural exploration, your voice is needed, urgently. Please prepare to act today. Just a few minutes is all it will take to be heard.

Here is important information regarding the urgent timeline:

  • You have until 2 pm Tuesday, June 6 to email a public comment in support of the Arts & Culture Commission’s future.
  • You can also live-Zoom or live-call in to the City Council’s 6 pm meeting to share your comment.
  • Best yet, you can attend this City Council meeting in person to share your comment face-to-face with those who will be making this decision.

Looking for inspiration on what to write?

Two amazing local artists, Larnie Fox and Lisa Reinertson, were kind enough to share excerpts from their letters defending the Arts & Culture Commission’s budget. The letters make excellent cases for both the public and personal costs of gutting our budget. Please feel free to draw from these letters as inspiration when you write your own or prepare your public comment. (I have.)

Scroll all the way down to view their letters.

How to write and email a public comment

Members of the public may provide public comment via email to the City Clerk by email at Any comment submitted to the City Clerk should indicate to which item of the agenda the comment relates. (WE ARE ITEM 22.C – PROPOSED FISCAL YEARS 2024 & 2025 BUDGETS.)

– Comments received by 2:00 pm on the day of the meeting will be electronically forwarded to the City Council and posted on the City’s website.

– Comments received after 2:00 pm, but before the start time of the meeting will be electronically forwarded to the City Council but will not be posted on the City’s website.

In your email, put the item number in your subject line (e.g., “Public comment re. Item 22.C”).

In your email body, share why you support keeping arts and culture alive and well in Benicia. Scroll down to see sample letters.

How to view the meeting and/or make a live public comment

You can participate in the meeting in one of four ways: 

1) Attend in person at Council Chambers
2) Cable T.V. Broadcast – Check with your cable provider for your local government broadcast channel.
3) Livestream online at
4) Zoom Meeting (link below)

The public may view and participate (via computer or phone) link:
  • If prompted for a password, enter 449303.
  • Use participant option to “raise hand” during the public comment period for the item you wish to speak on. Please note, your electronic device must have microphone capability. Once unmuted, you will have up to 5 minutes to speak.
  • Dial in with phone:
    Before the start of the item you wish to comment on, call any of the numbers below. If one is busy, try the next one.

        • 1 669 900 9128
        • 1 346 248 7799
        • 1 253 215 8782
        • 1 646 558 8656
        • 1 301 715 8592
        • 1 312 626 6799

•  Enter the meeting ID number: 885 0804 7557 (*please note this is an updated ID number*.)

Say the item you wish to speak on. (THE PROPOSED BUDGET CUTS ARE ITEM 22.C.)

Once unmuted, you will have up to 5 minutes to speak.

Enter password: 449303

When prompted for a Participant ID, press #.

Press *9 on your phone to “raise your hand” when the Mayor calls for public comment.

Any member of the public who needs accommodations should email City Clerk Lisa Wolfe at, who will use her best efforts to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety. 

‘What should I say?’ Two amazing Benicia artists share their thoughts

Two local artists were kind enough to share excerpts from their letters defending the Arts & Culture Commission’s budget. Please feel free to draw from them as inspiration when you write your own or prepare your public comment.

Larnie Fox

Larnie Fox is a prominent local visual and sound artist and hyper-connector. He is the director of the Crank Ensemble, a group that performs on hand-cranked instruments built by Larnie. As the former director of Arts Benicia (among several leadership roles in arts organizations serving both youth and adults), he is well positioned to speak to the value of arts in education, expression and beyond. (His wife Bodil is also an amazing artist and connector, by the way!)

Dear Council Members, Mayor and Interim City Manager ~ 

The arts are not a frill! 

This past year, I taught Arts Benicia STEAM drawing classes for all the fifth graders at Joe Henderson Elementary School. […] Doing this work I saw again how very important it is for our kids to learn a few basic skills that enable them to express themselves non-verbally; to make their own decisions and take responsibility for them; to learn to think creatively; how much it empowers them, and how much pride they take in their work.

This program is a small slice of Arts Benicia’s children’s art outreach, which in turn is a small slice of what Arts Benicia does for our community. Add that to what Benicia Ballet, Benicia Literary Arts, Benicia Theatre Group, Benicia State Parks Association, and VOENA bring to the table and you can see that by spending $78,000, Benicia is getting a tremendous amount of “bang for the buck”. This is a drop in the bucket for the City, whose annual budget is roughly $54.5 million. 

A 2017 Americans for the Arts study conducted by the Arts and Culture Commision in Benicia concluded:

“Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 provides evidence that the nonprofit arts and culture sector is a significant industry in the City of Benicia—one that generates $4.7 million in total economic activity. This spending—$2.9 million by nonprofit arts and cultural organizations and an additional $1.8 million in event-related spending by their audiences—supports 149 full-time equivalent jobs, generates $2.7 million in household income to local residents, and delivers $414,000 in local and state government revenue. This economic impact study sends a strong signal that when we support the arts, we not only enhance our quality of life, but we also invest in the City of Benicia’s economic well-being.”

Just by the economics alone, without considering all the cultural and human benefits, it is short-sighted to cut arts funding.

I appreciate that this is a difficult time for the City, but our local arts groups are already stretched thin. They do so much with so little.

I urge you to leave the Arts and Culture Commission’s very modest budget alone, and look for cuts elsewhere.


Larnie Fox

Lisa Reinertson

Lisa Reinertson is a Benicia artist whose figurative ceramic and bronze public sculptures have been stationed across the state and country, as well as on Benicia’s own waterfront (she’s the artist behind Neptune’s Daughter!). Lisa has drawn from her personal experience  as a struggling artist to explain why we must look beyond the bottom line to really understand what tremendous value the Arts & Culture Commission adds to Benicia through its modest but highly effective grant disbursements.

Dear Mayor, City Council and Staff,
I am writing in regards to the funding of the Arts in Benicia. I would like you to consider what makes this town a desirable place to live and to visit, and how we value the vibrant cultural aspects of our community.
Imagine Benicia without Arts Benicia, with its rich diversity of art exhibitions bringing both local and national artworks to our community. As a cultural hub where both adults and children can take classes that enrich their lives and stimulate ideas and imagination, Arts Benicia gives back so much more that the bottom line of dollars can measure.
The City gives just a small amount of support to the arts as it is. But that support multiplies in the hands of our dedicated arts leaders in this community; bringing choirs, theater, dance and visual arts into full blossom here.
If you want to look solely at the bottom line of dollars, I think it is easily argued that the small investment pays off in huge ways in money spent in our town which is known for having a vibrant art community and presence.
At one time in my life, as I was struggling as a single parent artist between teaching jobs and public commissions, I was advised by a frugal ( and indifferent) family member to move into an apartment and get a job at McDonald’s. Instead, I took out a loan on my house and invested back into myself to keep my studio going. I made it through that rough spot and was able to continue making public art and teach at college art departments and pay off the loan in short time.
Let’s not make short sighted foolish decisions that would snuff out our thriving culturally rich community. Let’s look at the long view and understand that the crucial value of the arts in our community may not be obvious to value in dollars alone, but it is a value that is so much greater than that; to keep Benicia a place we want to live and thrive in.
Thank you,
Lisa Reinertson