Category Archives: Benicia Planning Commission

VIDEO: Benicia City Council, March 15, 2016: Valero Attorney John Flynn surprises everyone, calls for a delay

This is a video clip of Valero’s presentation at the City Council meeting of March 15. The clip begins with a 7 minute presentation by Valero Environmental Engineering Manager Don Cuffle.  Attorney John Flynn follows, speaking for only 2 1/2 minutes, first dismissing local opposition, other attorneys and Benicia’s Planning Commissioners, and then asking Council to delay the hearings while Valero petitions the federal Surface Transportation Board (STB) for the agency’s backing on Valero’s legal argument, a process which could take three to six months.  (See also Marilyn Bardet’s analysis of Valero’s delay tactic.)

This clip runs for about 12 minutes. (On the City’s longer and unindexed video, this clip begins at minute 1:56:14. and ends at 2:08:16  Note that the video archive of the entire meeting can be found on the City of Benicia website at

VIDEO: Benicia City Council, March 15, 2016: Benicia Planning Commission Chair Donald Dean

This is a video clip of the presentation by Benicia Planning Commission Chair Donald Dean at the City Council meeting of March 15. This clip runs for about 15 1/2 minutes.  Many thanks to Benicia videographer Constance Beutel for her Youtube video recording. (On the City’s longer and unindexed video, Chair Dean’s comments begin at minute 1:36:48 and run to 1:51:45. Note that the video archive of the entire meeting can be found on the City of Benicia website at

VIDEO: Benicia City Council, March 15, 2016: City Contract Attorney Brad Hogin

This is a video clip of the presentation by Benicia’s Contract Attorney Brad Hogin at the City Council meeting of March 15. This clip runs for about 26 minutes.   (On the City’s longer and unindexed video, it begins at minute 1:04:27 and runs to 1:30:42. Note that the video archive of the entire meeting can be found on the City of Benicia website at

ABC7 VIDEO: Benicia City Council Considers Valero Refinery’s Plan to Ship Crude Oil by Rail

Repost from ABC7 / KGO News, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose

Benicia City Council Considers Valero Refinery’s Plan to Ship Crude Oil by Rail

By Katie Marzullo, March 16, 2016 11:37AM

BENICIA, Calif. (KGO) — Benicia considered a controversial topic Tuesday night, transporting crude oil by train. Opponents say it’s an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen, but supporters say it’s safe.

Tuesday is the city council’s first pass at hearing Valero’s proposal to move crude oil by rail. The planning commission rejected it last month and Valero appealed. It’s an hours-long process to reintroduce all of the reports council members were still asking questions late into Tuesday night.

The Valero refinery in Benicia already brings crude oil into the facility by pipeline and ship and it wants to add rail. Members of Benicians For a Safe and Healthy Community have been opposed since the beginning.

“Air emission impacts, traffic impacts, as well as the risk of catastrophic explosion here in Benicia that could destroy the economy and estroy the culture of this community for generations to come,” said Andres Sotos, a member of Benicians For a Safe and Healthy Community.

The city might not have a choice. Staff and consultants point to federal laws that don’t allow cities to regulate railroads. But others say Benicia has every right to reject Valero’s proposal.

“I’ve never seen a city, and I’ve been on the city council. I’ve never seen a city give up their permitting power and I think it’s the wrong direction for the city to take,” said Benicia resident Jan Cox Golovich.

Last month, the planning commission unanimously rejected Valero’s plan. Now it’s fate is in the hands of the city council. Valero is optimistic.

“We believe it can be done safely and we’re looking forward to making that case to the city council in our appeal,” said Valero director of health and safety Chris Howe.

Valero wants to move 70,000 barrels of crude oil by rail and rely less on shipping. Public comment on the issue is scheduled for April 4.