Category Archives: Valero Benicia Refinery

Officials want to build a ‘total disaster city’ for training, with fires, explosions and crashes

Repost from The Sacramento Bee [Editor: Significant quote: “Officials with the Valero Refining Co. …recently asked about the training center. Valero, which has its own fire department in Benicia, has come under pressure lately in the Sacramento area from fire officials and other leaders who say trains hauling oil through downtowns will put the region at heightened risk of fires caused by spills….’Much of the specialized training we require is only available out-of-state,’ Valero spokesman Chris Howe said. ‘We have been in touch with the state representatives about their plans. If a facility and program were available nearby and met our training needs, we would consider it.’”  – RS]

Officials want to build a ‘total disaster city’ for training, with fires, explosions and crashes

By Tony Bizjak, Jul. 24, 2014
A concrete building will be used to train emergency crews at the Emergency Response Training Center in Rancho Cordova. Local and state fire industry leaders are pitching plans for a world-class $56 million training facility in Sacramento that would put emergency crews face to face with realistic simulated disasters. | Randy Pench

Saying California’s emergency responders need more training to handle major calamities, state and local leaders are pitching plans to build a world-class $56 million training facility in eastern Sacramento County that would pit fire crews against a variety of realistic, pressure-packed simulated disasters. Emergency crews would be required to douse a real 727 jet as it lies in pieces across a field after a simulated crash at the training site; or make split-second decisions on how to approach a derailed train leaking crude oil; or figure out how to quickly pull survivors out of a partially demolished and unstable building after a terrorist bombing or earthquake. Initial construction on the Emergency Response Training Center has begun on 53 acres east of Mather Field in Rancho Cordova. The facility, billed as one of the most varied, modern and sophisticated training sites in the country, would be “a total disaster city,” said Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District Chief Kurt Henke, one of the officials behind the push. “This is a one-stop shop,” he said. “Anything you can think of, you can set it up at this facility.” The project is a joint effort between Henke’s fire department, the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and the Sacramento Fire Department. The three departments have set up a joint powers group called the California Fire & Rescue Training Authority. The effort, years in the planning, has hit a key moment this summer. The authority has invested $13 million to launch the project, some of it raised from local fire districts, some from federal Department of Homeland Security grants. But to move forward, the agencies must find more money now. Seizing on fears about increased shipments of volatile crude oil on trains through the region and state, Henke and the state OES Chief Kim Zagaris are asking the Legislature and Governor’s Office for $5 million to build a hazardous materials training feature at the Mather site as soon as possible. It would include rail track and oil tanker cars, as well as props that mimic an oil refinery, chemical plant and oil loading station. Those discussions are ongoing. “The governor and Legislature have been very good with us asking what those needs are,” Zagaris said. “We’re waiting to see what comes out of this.” Training facility advocates have their eye on two legislative bills this session that could provide funding to bolster training statewide for first responders. Those include a bill by Sen. Fran Pavley, D-Agoura Hills, who invited Henke and Zagaris to a legislative hearing last month to discuss the issue. They used that platform to make a pitch for funding for their facility. Pavley’s office said money from the bill could go toward the Rancho Cordova facility. Sen. Lois Wolk, D-Davis, said she too has legislation that could provide funds for the center. The training center group is applying for grants, and also has begun to reach out to private companies for support, including donations of real-world props such as rail cars. Federal Express recently donated a 727 jet. Henke said the training site, which includes classrooms, a fire station and an incident control tower, could also benefit utility companies, railroads, oil companies and even corporations interested in safety programs for high-rise offices. Officials with the Valero Refining Co., which plans to ship 100 train cars of potentially highly volatile crude oil daily through Sacramento to its Benicia refinery, recently asked about the training center. Valero, which has its own fire department in Benicia, has come under pressure lately in the Sacramento area from fire officials and other leaders who say trains hauling oil through downtowns will put the region at heightened risk of fires caused by spills. “Much of the specialized training we require is only available out-of-state,” Valero spokesman Chris Howe said. “We have been in touch with the state representatives about their plans. If a facility and program were available nearby and met our training needs, we would consider it.” If built to its full scope, the site would be a firefighter skill-building fantasyland. Among the planned elements: a trench where a backhoe has just ruptured a simulated gas pipeline, a high-rise building on fire, various house fires, and a simulated freeway crash and hazardous material spill. In one exercise, emergency responders might break into and crawl through a concrete pipe on a rescue mission. Another exercise, involving a burning car, would have a tire blowout simulator to add realism and shock value. Project officials plan to build a river simulator to practice swift-water rescues, and a “strip” style retail mall that catches fire. Trainers in a control tower overlooking the site would push the buttons to create and control the mayhem. Agency commanders would sit in a command center nearby, directing operations, while being recorded and captured on video for post-exercise analysis of their performance. Henke said the joint powers authority has not decided what it would charge agencies for training. “We’re doing a cost analysis right now, to make sure we set a legitimate price point,” he said. He said he thinks agencies and private companies will want to send their firefighters, emergency teams and supervisors for the all-encompassing experience that will help them keep up with technology changes, gain experience dealing with hazardous materials, and learn to work in tandem with other agencies. Tracey Hansen, chief of Cosumnes Community Services District Fire Department and president of the California Fire Chiefs Association, agreed, saying fire departments have been struggling to keep up with training requirements during the recession. “California doesn’t have these kinds of facilities in the state,” she said. She cited the current desire among fire officials for training to deal with potential Bakken crude oil spills as more of that commodity is shipped on rail through the state in coming years. “I see this (facility) as a needed opportunity.”

Andres Soto interviewed by KGO Radio on Valero’s dangerous Crude by Rail project in Benicia

Repost from Safe (KGO News Radio 810AM)

Andres Soto interviewed by KGO Radio on Valero’s dangerous Crude by Rail project in Benicia.

KTVU OAKLAND: New push to make rail cars safer

Repost from KTVU Channel 2, Oakland, CA
Andrés Soto from Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community is interviewed in this KTVU TV report.  “….the grass roots group, Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community, is not buying it: ‘There have been numerous…incidents with these rail cars. Even the improved rail cars, most recently at Lynchburg, Virginia,’ says Soto.”

OAKLAND: New push to make rail cars safer

Benicia OKs Sacramento request for more time to review crude oil rail shipment plans

Repost from The Sacramento Bee

Benicia OKs Sacramento request for more time to review crude oil rail shipment plans

By Tony Bizjak, Saturday, Jul. 12, 2014
Family and friends cross the railroad track along the crash site after a memorial service early Sunday, July 6, 2014 in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, for the 47 victims of last year’s devastating oil train derailment (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, /Paul Chiasson

Benicia has granted a request by Sacramento officials and others for extra time to review a plan by Valero Refining Co. to run two trains daily carrying crude oil through downtown Sacramento, Roseville, West Sacramento and Davis to its Bay Area refinery. The Sacramento Area Council of Governments, which represents local cities and counties, had requested extra time, saying they are concerned about the project’s safety risks. The new response deadline is Sept. 15, officials said.

Valero is asking the city of Benicia for an OK to begin receiving daily crude-by-rail shipments, including possibly the more volatile oil from the North Dakota Bakken fields. Federal officials issued a warning this year about that fuel after several train explosions, including one that killed 47 people in Canada.

The Valero plan, involving two 50-car trains a day through Sacramento, is among the first of what California officials say is an expected boom in crude-by-rail shipments through the state, prompted by the lower cost of North Dakota and Canadian crude.

The draft environmental report, issued last month by Benicia, included an analysis that says a derailment and spill might happen only once every 111 years. That analysis was authored by a University of Illinois professor, Christopher Barkan, who formerly worked for the American Association of Railroads and does research supported by the association. Barkan, an expert on hazardous rail transport, said in an email that his work for Benicia was not influenced by his association with the railroad association.

Local officials say they plan to issue written responses to that assessment this summer. City of Davis official Mike Webb has challenged the report risk assessment, saying, “It only needs to happen once to be a real problem.”

Also on Friday, a coalition of activists who oppose rail shipments of crude oil called on the state Legislature or the governor to ban or place a moratorium on construction of any more crude rail terminals similar to the one Valero is proposing.

The state Office of Spill Prevention and Response announced it will conduct a series of public workshops later this month soliciting opinions on how it should expand its work to inland areas, including along rail lines. The new state budget includes funding, from oil refinery fees, for the spill office to deal with the expected increase in crude oil shipments by rail. The agency will release information on its “legal and regulations” Web page on Friday.