Category Archives: Valero Benicia Refinery

Streaming video of Planning Commission hearings now available online

By Roger Straw, February 26, 2016

Streaming video of Planning Commission hearings now available online

Today the City of Benicia posted archived videos of the four lengthy Planning Commission hearings on the Crude By Rail proposal of Valero Benicia Refinery.  The meetings were held on Monday-Thursday, February 8-11, 2016.

[The City’s streaming video is slow and stop-and-go on my relatively fast connection.  Note that this is a new technology on the City’s website.  Maybe the poor service is due to the volume of users accessing the videos at this early time in their posting.  We shall see….  – RS]

Huffington Post: Benicia Planning Commissioners Unanimously Reject Valero’s Oil Train Proposal

Repost from the HuffPost Green and the Sierra Club

Benicia Planning Commissioners Unanimously Reject Valero’s Oil Train Proposal

By Elly Benson, Sierra Club attorney, 02/19/2016 07:49 pm ET

Benicia is a small waterside city near San Francisco that is perhaps best known for briefly serving as the California state capital in the 1800s. But last week, six planning commissioners in this quiet community dealt a blow to the oil industry when they unanimously rejected oil giant Valero’s proposal to transport crude to its local refinery in dangerous oil trains. Valero’s plan to receive two 50-tanker oil trains each day at the Benicia refinery is emblematic of broader industry efforts to ramp up transport of oil — including dirty tar sands crude from Canada and explosive Bakken crude from North Dakota — in mile-long trains to refineries along the West Coast.

The 6-0 vote came shortly before midnight on Thursday, February 11th — after four consecutive nights of public hearings that lasted until 11 pm or later. When the hearings began at Benicia City Hall on Monday evening, more than 150 people had signed up to speak and the crowd filled the hearing room, several overflow rooms, and the building’s courtyard. The commissioners heard from scores of concerned Benicia residents — and also from residents of “up-rail” towns and cities (including Sacramento and Davis) who would be endangered by the oil trains rolling through their communities on the way to the Valero refinery. Oil train derailments and explosions have increased dramatically in recent years — including the July 2013 oil train derailment in Lac-Megantic, Canada that tragically killed 47 people.

Benicia City Hall was still packed at 11:30pm on night 3 of of the Planning Commission hearings.

In denying the project, the commissioners went against City planning staff’s recommendation to approve Valero’s proposal. Staff recommended approval despite concluding that the benefits do not outweigh the numerous “significant and unavoidable” impacts on up-rail communities (including derailments, oil spills, and explosions). The staff report insisted that federal regulation of railroads means that the legal doctrine of preemption prohibits the City from mitigating — or even considering — any of the serious risks that oil trains pose to communities and sensitive environments along the rail line.

During the public hearing, the contract attorney hired by the City repeatedly told the commissioners that they unquestionably lack any authority to deny the permit based on these rail impacts — and went so far as to say that mere disclosure of these impacts could be unlawful.

Attorneys from the Sierra ClubNatural Resources Defense Council, and the Stanford Law School clinic testified at the hearing, refuting this expansive interpretation of the preemption doctrine and urging the commissioners to reject it. Before voting to deny the project, several commissioners expressed skepticism that they are legally required to turn a blind eye to the grave dangers that oil trains pose to up-rail communities. One commissioner told the contract attorney that his interpretation of the preemption issue is “180 degrees different” from the view expressed by other attorneys. (Using more colorful language, another commissioner noted: “I don’t want to be the planning commissioner in the one city that said ‘screw you’ to up-rail cities.”)

Linda Maio, Vice Mayor of the City of Berkeley, California, speaking to the Benicia Planning Commission.

For years, the Sierra Club and our partners have pushed back against Valero’s attempts to conceal the true impacts of its oil train proposal. The City initially tried to approve the project without conducting full environmental review. In 2013, we submitted comments challenging that course of action, which contributed to the City’s decision to circulate an “environmental impact report” (EIR) for the project. We then submitted comment letters identifying major flaws in the the draft EIR (2014), revised draft EIR (2015), and final EIR (2016). Our allies in these efforts include Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community, NRDC, ForestEthics, Communities for a Better Environment, Center for Biological Diversity, Sunflower Alliance, and SF Baykeeper, among others.

The Attorney General also weighed in on the inadequacies of the City’s environmental review — specifically noting the failure to adequately analyze impacts on up-rail communities. And the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, which represents 6 counties and 22 cities, characterized the City’s environmental review as “a non-response” to its public safety concerns about oil trains traversing the Sacramento area.

After voting to deny the project, the Planning Commission issued a resolution identifying 14 deficiencies in the final environmental impact report. The resolution also concluded that “Staff’s interpretation of preemption is too broad….” (Notably, just a few days before the Benicia hearings, hundreds of people converged on San Luis Obispo to urge county planning commissioners to reject a similar oil train proposal at a Phillips 66 refinery. In direct contrast to the position adopted by the Benicia planning staff, the San Luis Obispo county planning staff recommended denial of the project — due in large part to the environmental and health impacts along the rail line. The San Luis Obispo planning commissioners are expected to vote on the Phillips 66 proposal in March.)

Valero has until February 29th to appeal the Planning Commission’s decision to the Benicia City Council.

Benicia residents came to City Hall to voice their opposition to Valero’s oil train project.

Valero Crude By Rail: What’s next in Benicia?

By Roger Straw, February 19, 2016

2015-06-21 RDS Guerneville indoors (edited, soft, noexit whiteout 350px bdr)Now that the Benicia Planning Commission has rejected Valero’s oil train proposal, most observers expect that Valero will appeal the decision to the City Council.  Valero has until February 29 to appeal.

Speculation is ripe in Benicia and beyond as to the probable outcome of a City Council appeal.  The Council is made up of only 5 members.  Longtime Benicians will offer best guesses as to a likely vote, but no one knows.

City Council members’ votes will come in the context of Planning Commission hearings in which those who spoke out thoughtfully and passionately against Valero’s project far outnumbered Valero supporters.  A unanimous and incredibly popular Planning Commission vote has brought out a great number of expressions of appreciation.  Thanks and congratulations have been pouring in to local opponents of the project and to the Commissioners themselves.  Of course, Council members are in no way bound to honor local opinion, but …

More context: if Valero appeals, the Council will consider the appeal in an election year. Two Council members and the Mayor are up for reelection, and all have announced they will run.  Odds are it will be pretty hard to run a successful campaign in Benicia if you have voted in favor of Valero’s dangerous and dirty crude oil trains.

A few have speculated that Valero might prefer to NOT appeal the Planning Commission decision.  Valero’s strategy might be to remove the controversial issue from electoral politics, and hope for a more favorable City Council election outcome in November that would seat a pro-Valero Council.  Valero could then make a new run at the Planning Commission in 2017.  This would of course require a whole new EIR costing Valero a lot of money.  But other factors, including the low price of oil in current markets and the surging regional and national opposition to crude by rail, could swing Valero in this direction.

We should know by February 29.  Meanwhile …

Many have raised questions about the City’s procedures if/when Valero appeals the decision to the City Council.

On Feb. 14, I wrote to Benicia Principle Planner Amy Million, City Clerk Lisa Wolfe and Planning Commission Chair Don Dean, asking the following questions. (Ms. Million’s Feb. 17 answers follow in italics.)

  1. During the CEQA review, you carefully logged our letters for the public record. Anticipating that Valero will appeal, residents will continue to be on alert, and will want to communicate with Council members. Should letters on the issue still be sent to you? Or maybe to the City Clerk?  Million: Letters regarding the project should still be sent to me for inclusion in the project file, etc.
  2. The vote on the FEIR was to NOT certify, but the Commission avoided using the language of remanding the document for further study and recirculation. Is the CEQA process done now, or does it continue – for the public record – during the preparation of findings, and after that, during a Council appeal? Million: If the Planning Commission decision is appealed to City Council, the Council will consider both the denial of the use permit and the decision to not certify the EIR based on the deficiencies identified by the Commission.
  3. Will you or the City Clerk continue to send notices on the process to those of us who signed up for email notification? I’d like to see the Commission findings as soon as they are finalized, and I would assume they will be posted to the Community Development’s CBR page. But beyond that, will updates be posted timely there, or maybe somewhere else?  Million: The Community Development Department will continue to maintain the CBR webpage. We will provide a copy of the resolution when it is available.

Benicia Planning Commission resolution to deny Valero permit

By Roger Straw, February 18, 2016

City of Benicia releases Planning Commission resolution: NO to Valero Crude by Rail

At 10:45am today, the City of Benicia sent an email notification and posted the highly anticipated resolution of the Planning Commission with negotiated wording to deny certification of the EIR and to deny a use permit for Valero’s Crude By Rail project.

After the Commission’s unanimous Feb. 11 vote to deny certification and the permit last week, the Commissioners noted that their position was in stark contrast to that of City staff, and insisted that the usual procedure of staff writing the resolution would not be adequate.  The Commission appointed Chair Don Dean to work with staff on the wording.

In comments before the vote last week, each Commissioner laid out their primary concerns and issues.  In my opinion, the resolution does a good job of summarizing their concerns and issues, and fairly represents the solid opposition of the Commission.

For instance, after the lengthy WHEREAS section, the resolution states, “Section 15270 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, CEQA does not apply to projects that a public agency disapproves, but the Planning Commission determined it was necessary to provide findings per CEQA Sections 15090 and 15091, and to deny certification of the EIR and identified the following deficiencies in the EIR.”

This is followed by 14 findings, beginning with “The EIR does not express the independent judgment of the City as required by CEQA” and followed by a strong critique of city staff’s interpretation of preemption.

Findings 3 and 4 add a critique of the intermingling of Valero’s and the City’s needs and objectives.

The remainder of the findings specify ways in which the EIR failed to adequately identify, analyze and/or lay out appropriate mitigations for significant and unavoidable environmental impacts.

The document goes on with a resolution to deny the project based on a single finding:  “That the proposed location of the conditional use and the proposed conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be consistent with the General Plan as it would be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the neighborhood of the use, or to the general welfare of the city, as well as uprail communities.”

I find the brevity and singularity of this finding somewhat surprising, and yet perfectly aimed at the heart of the proposal and solidly grounded in what many refer to as the Constitution of our city, our “General Plan.”

The document concludes, “…the finding cannot be made for the Project due to the potential significant on- and off-site impacts associated with the project and the associated rail operations, the need for further evaluation of the environmental impacts, the economic purposes of the project and the conflicting interpretations of preemption.”


The City’s original can be found here.