Ukraine war – follow the money!

Putin’s War: possibly a would-be emperor’s war, but most assuredly an OIL WAR!

Every news analysis I’ve seen of Russia’s criminally ruthless war against Ukraine has focused on Putin’s nationalistic dream of the resurrection of the old Soviet Union and his Czarist ambitions.

But what about the more convincing economic reasons for the war?  Where are our major news outlets, including the progressive ones like MSNBC and CNN when it comes to the proven political wisdom, FOLLOW THE MONEY?

Here’s an eye-opening post I found on an old friend’s Facebook page (thank you, Betsy Collins, originally posted by Christopher Goodfellow,)  “From Price Wars by Rupert Russell….The chapter on Ukraine is interesting….if anything this explains Donbas and getting the ring around from Donbas to Odessa to get Control of the Black Sea oil there.”  Read on…

MORE: Christopher Goodfellow posted several later FB messages that are even more detailed and illuminating: