By Terry Scott, November 18, 2020

Fellow Benicians, I’d like to offer my sincerest congratulations to Trevor Macenski and Tom Campbell for your election wins to the Benicia City Council.
I’d also like to again congratulate Steve Young for his decisive Mayoral race win.
Benicia is such a wonderful town. I met some incredible folks along the campaign journey. I owe a humble and heartfelt debt of gratitude to all of my campaign team, volunteers, and the many folks who graciously supported my candidacy for City Council.
Soon the baton will be passed to a new Mayor and City Council.
But before we see the baton pass, I believe we must give Mayor Elizabeth Patterson a huge thank you for her contributions, leadership and commitment to our community.
Thank you Elizabeth.
I believe in Benicia and its resilient ability to prosper and sustain itself as we meet head-on the immediate impact of the pandemic and beyond.
I have great confidence in our new City Council leadership team and wish them the best in keeping Benicia such a special place.
Congrats Councilmember-elect Trevor Macenski, new Vice-Mayor Elect Tom Campbell and Mayor-Elect Steve Young.
Terry Scott
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