All posts by Roger Straw

Editor, owner, publisher of The Benicia Independent

Fairfield-Suisun School District discloses over 60 COVID cases on public dashboard

Fairfield-Suisun district reports Covid-19 cases, launches online dashboard

Fairfield Daily Reporter, by Susan Hiland, September 13, 2021
FAIRFIELD — The 2021-2022 academic year has only just begun but already the Fairfield-Suisun School District has dozens of reported Covid-19 cases.

Nancy Dunn, president of the Fairfield-Suisun Unified Teachers Association, reported Thursday that 50 students and staff had called into the district’s schools reporting positive test results for Covid-19.

Dunn made her report Thursday night during the school board meeting.

She said the numbers reflected 16 in-person instructional days with an average of a little more than three notices per day. Those numbers had increased by Saturday to 52 students and 11 staff members.

Jaden Baird

Those numbers are updated on the district’s new Covid-19 dashboard, which was created to keep track of reported cases of the disease. The dashboard went live Sept. 3, according to Jaden Baird, executive director of Administrative Services and Community Engagement.

It is easily available for anyone to view on the district’s website.

The dashboard is updated as soon as the information is added to the system. The district has two staff members working on the updates, including one for students and one for staff.

A disclaimer on the dashboard reads:

“The statistics displayed on this dashboard for students are, for the majority, self-reported cases. We are relying on our parent community to notify us as to whether or not a student is positive for Covid. There have been a few cases in which a student has come to school symptomatic and were tested immediately and found to be positive. Even in these few circumstances, due to staff and students following our protocols, no transmission at school occurred. Once a parent notifies us of a positive case, contact tracing begins and all close contacts are notified.”

Dunn said it is a difficult time for teachers and students who want to feel safe while attending school. She said the dashboard is a positive because it makes the information readily available to parents, staff and to the community.

“These numbers are in spite of masks indoors and vaccinations,” she said.

Dunn also reported that not a lot of reports of mask violations have been made but those that were reported were swiftly dealt with.

“Because of the quick action of staff, I believe it has kept the numbers from being higher,” she said.

Dunn said staff are concerned about the expiration Sept. 30 of the Covid Leave Act. Employees currently are eligible for 10 days of Covid leave with pay.

Many staff members don’t have personal leave because they haven’t been in the district long enough to have paid leave, Dunn said. She said some teachers are already stretched to make it to the end of the month. She said if this is not renegotiated, it could mean a lot of financial hardship for teachers who contract the disease.

Kris Corey

“So far student cases have all been reported from parents and none of those cases was from exposure within the school,” Superintendent Kris Corey said. “It is parents calling in saying the child is positive. We don’t ask for a note from the doctor for the students but take them at their word.”

Corey spoke Thursday about contact tracing, which is required for anyone who reports being positive for Covid-19. She said it is “a monstrosity.” It takes many hours to determine close contacts and who needs to be notified, and who has been vaccinated or not, she said.

“It takes a lot of time to do the contract tracing,” Corey said. “It is different for teachers than students.”

It’s different for employees because they need a doctor’s note. The district then goes through a different process with them.

Students or staff who are vaccinated or who want to remain on modified quarantine and continue to come to work or school need to be tested for Covid-19 during that time period, she said.

“It takes a lot of time during the day to test students, so we are working (on) refining process and working on testing outside of the school day,” Corey said. “They will need to come at those times to be tested.”

Corey asked for volunteers to assist with the testing. They will be compensated for their time, she said.

To volunteer, call the school district at 399-5000. The district’s Covid-19 dashboard is available at

Screenshot of FSUSD COVID-19 Dashboard, 7:30pm, Sept 13, 2021

Some COVID measures looking better in Solano County, but community transmission still HIGH

By Roger Straw, Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday, September 13: Solano reports 149 new infections over the weekend and 2 new hospitalizations

Solano County COVID dashboard SUMMARY:
[Sources: see below.]

DEATHS: No new deaths todayTotal Solano deaths over the course of the pandemic now at 280.

CASES: The County reported  149 new COVID cases over the weekend.  It’s encouraging that we are down to 50 per day, lower than any time since July 19.

COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION RATE: Over the last 7 days, Solano has seen 776 new cases, NEARLY TWICE the CDC’s population-based definition of a HIGH rate of transmission!  Based on Solano County population of 449,432, the CDC would rate us in “SUBSTANTIAL” transmission with 225 cases over the last 7 days.  Double that, or 450 cases in the last 7 days would rank us in “HIGH” transmission.  And we are at 776 cases as of today!  [Reference: CDC’s level for “High Community Transmission”.]

YOUTH CASES: The percentage of Solano’s cases among our youth has increased very slowly over the course of the pandemic, starting below 6%, and only gradually reaching 12% in mid-April of 2021.  The percentage of youth cases has jumped a full 0.9% since mid-August.

ACTIVE CASES: Solano’s 588 ACTIVE cases is down from last Friday’s 838, but up alarmingly up from 212 on July 2.

POSITIVE TEST RATE:  Our 7-day average percent positivity rate was 9.1% today, down from 9.7% on Wednesday.  COMPARE: today’s California rate is 2.9% and today’s U.S. rate is 9.7%[Source: Johns Hopkins]  WARNING: The Delta Variant is here in Solano County and spreading fast.  Time to mask up again – watch out and take care!


CURRENT hospitalizations were down today from 106 to 93 persons, but still in the range we saw during the winter surge.

ICU Bed Availability remained at 17% today, in the yellow danger zone.  Again, we are still in the range we saw during the winter surge.

Ventilator Availability remained at 59%, and still in the range of last February’s winter surge.

TOTAL hospitalizations  Solano County’s TOTAL hospitalized over the course of the pandemic must be independently discovered in the County’s occasional update of hospitalizations by Age Group and by Race/Ethnicity.  The County SUBSTANTIALLY updated its Hospitalizations charts Friday, adding over 500 previously unreported hospitalizations (by age, or nearly 450 by race/ethnicity).  The County added 2 more new hospitalizations today, both over 65, one Black person and one White person.  See below.  Interestingly, the TOTAL race/ethnicity numbers don’t square with the age group numbers.

FACE MASKS… Good News in Benicia and Vallejo

GOOD NEWS!  Benicia City Council passed a citywide indoors mask mandate. The mandate went into effect immediately and includes everyone 4 years old and up when indoors in public places, even those of us who are vaccinated.  The mask resolution, press release, and a flyer now appear on the City website.

Benicia was the first Solano city to take action despite the County’s lack of strong guidance on masks.  Benicia was joined by Vallejo on August 31In the Bay Area, Solano County REMAINS the only holdout against even RECOMMENDING masks in public indoors spaces. 

COUNTY-WIDE MASK MANDATE?  The Solano County Board of Supervisors has agendized a consideration of a MASK MANDATE TOMORROW, on Tuesday, September 14.  The description of the agenda item uses mandate language as follows: “Consider and provide direction regarding a Board Member request for the establishment of mandatory indoor face mask order for Solano County.”  BUT… County staff has offered a DRAFT resolution that merely “encourages” and “recommends” and doesn’t even use the words “mask” or “face covering” in the body of the resolution.  Your comments might be important before or during the Board’s Tuesday September 14 meeting.  For instructions on how to participate, see the Sept 14 Agenda.

Cases by City on Monday, September 13:
  • Benicia added 7 new cases today, a total of 1,369 cases since the outbreak began.  Benicia has seen 24 new cases over the last 7 days, dropping Benicia or the first time since August 9 below the CDC’s definition of HIGH community transmission (based on Benicia population).  Benicia is still at the high end of the CDC’s range of SUBSTANTIAL transmission.  [Note that Solano County is also rated far above high transmission, and Solano’s 6 other cities are likely also individually experiencing high or substantial transmission.]
  • Dixon added 8 new cases today, total of 2,386 cases.
  • Fairfield added 30 new cases today, total of 11,559 cases.
  • Rio Vista added 3 new cases today, total of 542 cases.
  • Suisun City added 7 new cases today, total of 3,011 cases.
  • Vacaville added 52 new cases today, a total of 11,263 cases.
  • Vallejo added 42 new cases today, a total of 12,550 cases.
  • Unincorporated added 0 new cases today, a total of 134 cases (population figures not available).

Continue reading Some COVID measures looking better in Solano County, but community transmission still HIGH

Countywide Mask Mandate? Solano Board of Supervisors to discuss on Sept 14

Benicia was the first Solano city to take action despite the County’s lack of strong guidance on masks.  Benicia was joined by Vallejo on August 31.  In the Bay Area, Solano County REMAINS the only holdout against even RECOMMENDING masks in public indoors spaces. 

BUT WAIT…  The Solano County Board of Supervisors has agendized a consideration of a MASK MANDATE on Tuesday, September 14.  Good news??  Maybe not!  The description of the agenda item uses mandate language as follows: “Consider and provide direction regarding a Board Member request for the establishment of mandatory indoor face mask order for Solano County.”  BUT… County staff has offered a DRAFT resolution that merely “encourages” and “recommends” and doesn’t even use the words “mask” or “face covering” in the body of the resolution.  Your comments might be important before or during the Board’s Tuesday September 14 meeting.  For instructions on how to participate, see the Sept 14 Agenda.

Benicia Author Stephen Golub: From 9/11/01 to 9/11/21

From 9/11/01 to 9/11/21

By Stephen Golub, A Promised Land, September 11, 2021

2001: United Flight #93 terrorists’ attempted attack on the Capitol, foiled by heroic passengers acting together.
2021: Insurrectionists’ successful seizure of the Capitol, egged on by a demagogue tearing us apart.

2001: Terrorists from abroad, determined to destroy our way of life.
2021: Terrorists from here at home, determined to do the same thing.

2001: The day after the attacks, an empty sky, devoid of both planes and faith.
2021: A virtual sky, filled by vitriolic, disinformation-spewing social media.

2001: An attack driven not just by violent religious radicalism, but by the notion that the attackers’ faith, beliefs, people and tribe are better than others’.
2021: A cancerous, home-grown tribalism fueled by resentment of the racial, ethnic, political and geographic “other.”

2001: America united.
2021: America asunder.

2001: Freedom defined in terms of democracy, humanity, commonality.
2021: Freedom defined as Me First, Screw You.

2001: Decrying the sickness underlying the attacks.
2021: Suffering through both a literal plague and a sickness that prioritizes selfishness.

2001: We have met the enemy, and they’re half a world away.
2021: We have met the enemy, and they are some of us.

But let’s remember:

2001: An unprepared president not up to the job, who misled us into horrific misadventures abroad and an economic crash at home.
2021: A president, inevitably imperfect but defined by his humanity and wealth of experience, and easily overlooked recent and prospective victories such as the massive March 2021 American Rescue Plan, which among other things helped cut poverty nearly in half, with even better results for children.

More than the Twin Towers fell on September 11, 2021. But for all our faults, America has always been about building and rebuilding a less imperfect union. True, sometimes it’s one step up and two steps back. But sometimes it’s something far better.

Even as we look back with sadness, even as we contemplate the state of play today with wariness, we can still look ahead with some semblance of grit and hope.

Stephen Golub, Benicia – A Promised Land: Politics. Policy. America as a Developing Country.

Benicia resident Stephen Golub offers excellent perspective on his blog, A Promised Land:  Politics. Policy. America as a Developing Country.

To access his other posts or subscribe, please go to his blog site, A Promised Land.