[Editor: Benicians are expressing themselves in letters to the editor of our local print newspaper, the Benicia Herald. But the Herald doesn’t publish letters in its online editions – and many Benician’s don’t subscribe. We are posting certain letters here for wider distribution. – RS]
Vote for Steve Young for Benicia City Council
By Constance Beutel, BeniciaOctober 5, 2016

I’m voting for Steve Young for Benicia City Council and here’s why.
Steve has a long and distinguished career in local government service. He has successfully worked on neighborhood improvement programs, affordable housing development and economic development programs. His career assignments have led to a deep understanding of finance relating to local government housing loans and he has overseen a $20million budget.
Here in Benicia, Steve has served on the City’s Planning commission and in particular has provided four years of leadership by getting to the issues that are critical to Benicia’s economy and most importantly to the health and safety of the community.
His leadership in looking at the facts, listening to testimony and asking penetrating questions about the proposed Valero Crude by Rail Project led to a unanimous vote by the Planning Commission to deny Valero’s request. Steve will do the work necessary to represents the best interest of our community.
Constance M. Beutel, EdDBenicia
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