[Editor: Benicians are expressing themselves in letters to the editor of our local print newspaper, the Benicia Herald. But the Herald doesn’t publish letters in its online editions – and many Benician’s don’t subscribe. We are posting certain letters here for wider distribution. – RS]
Steve Young – good choice for City Council
As the election fast approaches and my mailbox is flooded with campaign literature I want to encourage everyone to vote for Steve Young for the Benicia City Council. Since I first became aware of him, at the Planning Commission’s public hearings on the Crude by Rail project, to the recent candidates forum, I have been impressed by how carefully he does his homework… asking important questions, researching the issues from all sides and conveying the information the public needs in order to understand the impact of these issues on our quality of life. Yes, it is true that now “everyone” is against Crude by Rail but I believe it was Steve’s courageous leadership that brought the Commission and the Council to take this stand.
Steve was able to influence our elected official’s opinions because he understands the language used in EIRs and because he has worked in and with government agencies for the past 30 years. His extensive, valuable experience with community and economic development promises to be crucial to the items that are going to affect the future well-being of our town… How do we insure that we have enough clean drinking water? What kind of development do we want out on East 2nd Street? How can the Industrial Park be made more appealing to potential businesses? Not anti-growth as some would want you to believe, Steve recently said, “There are ways to explore how land is developed. You don’t just have to just react to whatever plans the owners presents. You need to engage the public and make sure that what gets built truly fits the needs of the town.”
With a graduate degree in Urban Planning, years of experience as the Director of Community Development for the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency and a true passion for doing what is best for Benicia, he is positioned to be an excellent member of the Benicia City Council. For the future of our children and grandchildren, I hope that you will join me and vote for Steve Young.