EAST BAY EXPRESS: Attorney General Harris: Benicia Has Power to Reject Oil Facility

Repost from the East Bay Express Attorney General Harris: Benicia Has Power to Reject Oil Facility By Jean Tepperman, April 15, 2016 In a strongly-worded letter sent Thursday to City of Benicia officials, California Deputy Attorney General Scott J. Lichtig wrote that Valero, the City of Benicia’s planning staff, and an outside attorney advising the … Continue reading EAST BAY EXPRESS: Attorney General Harris: Benicia Has Power to Reject Oil Facility

VALLEJO TIMES-HERALD: Attorney general letter disagrees with Valero, Benicia city staff

Repost from the Vallejo Times-Herald (Also appearing in the East Bay Times, the San Jose Mercury News, the Santa Cruz Sentinel and the Monterey Herald) Attorney general letter disagrees with Valero, Benicia city staff By Irma Widjojo, 04/15/16, 5:43 PM PDT Benicia >> The Office of Attorney General Kamala Harris has sent a strongly worded letter to the … Continue reading VALLEJO TIMES-HERALD: Attorney general letter disagrees with Valero, Benicia city staff

CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL: “For Benicia to turn a blind eye…”

By Roger Straw, April 14, 2016, 5:28 PM PDT California Attorney General Kamala Harris: letter disagrees with City of Benicia staff, consultants and Valero Today the City of Benicia received a letter from California Attorney General Kamala Harris disagreeing with City staff, consultants and Valero Refinery. The letter asserts that Benicia’s Planning Commission and City Council have every right to deny a … Continue reading CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL: “For Benicia to turn a blind eye…”

New postings of individual comment letters

By Roger Straw, April 14, 2016 INFLUX OF IMPORTANT NEW LETTERS [Editor: I have not been able to keep up with splitting off important individual letters from the City’s postings of composite documents. Nevertheless, here are a few of the important recent contributions opposing Valero’s dirty and dangerous Crude By Rail proposal and/or critical of … Continue reading New postings of individual comment letters