EAST BAY EXPRESS: Benicia Oil-by-Rail Battle Hinges on Legal Controversy

Repost from the East Bay Express Benicia Oil-by-Rail Battle Hinges on Legal Controversy Opponents of oil-by-rail shipments want the city to block a proposed Valero facility, but Valero says the city lacks this power. By Jean Tepperman An oil-by-rail facility that Valero wants to build at its Benicia refinery has been stalled by opponents concerned about … Continue reading EAST BAY EXPRESS: Benicia Oil-by-Rail Battle Hinges on Legal Controversy

KAT BLACK: Listing of over 64 orgs, public agencies and officials on record with major concerns or opposition to Valero Crude By Rail

By Roger Straw, April 6, 2016 [Editor: BSHC Chairperson Kat Black spent her entire 5 minute public comment at Monday’s hearing listing over 64 entities (below) that have raised serious questions about the adequacy of the EIR and/or the wisdom of granting Valero a use permit.  The list is most impressive, substantiating the April 4 public … Continue reading KAT BLACK: Listing of over 64 orgs, public agencies and officials on record with major concerns or opposition to Valero Crude By Rail

BENICIA HERALD: Crude by Rail opponents cite large opposition list

Appearing as the front page headline story in today’s Benicia Herald (no online version, so no link) Crude by Rail opponents cite large opposition list By Elizabeth Warnimont, April 6, 2016 At the first of the current round of scheduled hearings regarding Valero Benicia Refinery’s Crude by Rail project at City Hall Monday, a number … Continue reading BENICIA HERALD: Crude by Rail opponents cite large opposition list

ANDRÉS SOTO: Open Letter to Benicia City Council members

By Andrés Soto, March 29, 2016 An Open Letter to Benicia City Councilmembers – About the Surface Transportation Board Dear Councilmembers: The bombshell request by Valero at your meeting on March 15, to have you issue a continuance of the Public Hearing of Valero’s appeal of the Benicia Planning Commission’s denial of Valero’s dangerous Crude By … Continue reading ANDRÉS SOTO: Open Letter to Benicia City Council members