Half Million California Students Attend School In Oil Train Blast Evacuation Zones

Repost from DeSmogBlog [Editor:  See the more detailed interactive map of schools by the Center for Biological Diversity.  Note Benicia’s Robert Semple Elementary School on the Center’s map, located just 0.88 miles from a Union Pacific train route which currently carries hazardous materials and is proposed for Valero Refinery’s Crude By Rail project.  Here’s a map … Continue reading Half Million California Students Attend School In Oil Train Blast Evacuation Zones

Benicia League of Women Voters to host oil train forum, 9/17

Repost from the Benicia Herald [Editor:  See also calendar of events on LWVBenicia.org.  – RS] LWV to host oil train forum By Nick Sestanovich, September 4, 2015 As they have for most issues du jour in Benicia, the local chapter of the League of Women Voters will open the floor this month on the subject … Continue reading Benicia League of Women Voters to host oil train forum, 9/17

BENICIA HERALD: Long-awaited reissue cites ‘significant’ environmental impacts; public given 45 days to comment

Repost from the Benicia Herald Revised, expanded crude-by-rail report released Long-awaited reissue cites ‘significant’ environmental impacts; public given 45 days to comment By Nick Sestanovich, September 1, 2015 “Because no reasonable, feasible mitigation measures are available that would, if implemented, reduce the significance below the established threshold, this secondary hazards- and hazardous materials-related impact would … Continue reading BENICIA HERALD: Long-awaited reissue cites ‘significant’ environmental impacts; public given 45 days to comment

Benicia: Not exactly a smart, green city

Repost from the Benicia Herald Grant Cooke: Benicia: Not exactly a smart, green city By Grant Cooke, August 28, 2015 THOMAS HOBBES, THE GREAT 16TH-CENTURY British political philosopher, wrote in “Leviathan” that humans living without legitimate government would eventually dissolve into a “state of nature.” This state of nature was brutish with violent chaos, evil … Continue reading Benicia: Not exactly a smart, green city