Oil train organizing in Davis, California

Repost from an email, Lynne Nittler, of Davis, CA [Editor:  Lynne Nittler and her friends at Cool Davis and Yolano Climate Action do a great job of organizing.  Davis is a primary “uprail community” that would be at high risk if Valero Benicia Refinery’s Crude By Rail proposal is permitted.  I appreciated Lynne’s recent update … Continue reading Oil train organizing in Davis, California

Davis, California: Brave the blast zone to make a point – Saturday, July 11

Repost from The Davis Enterprise [Editor:  Details at CoolDavis and Yolano Climate Action.  – RS] Brave the blast zone to make a point By Lynne Nittler, July 08, 2015 There is no safe way to transport extreme tar sands and Bakken crude oil. Two years after Lac-Mégantic, oil trains keep exploding and carbon pollution keeps rising. … Continue reading Davis, California: Brave the blast zone to make a point – Saturday, July 11

Protesters against oil trains detained at Benicia-Martinez rail bridge

Repost from KRON4 TV, San Francisco CA [Editor:  Also, see the organizations’ Press Release and a later report with names of those arrested.  – RS] Protesters against oil trains detained at Benicia-Martinez rail bridge By Sharon Song, July 6, 2015, 1:51 pm Updated: July 6, 2015, 1:55 pm BENICIA (KRON) — Activists protesting the threat … Continue reading Protesters against oil trains detained at Benicia-Martinez rail bridge

Activists Detained Hanging “Stop Oil Trains Now” Banner to Kick off Week of Action

Press Release from Communities for a Better Environment and ForestEthics [Editor:  UPDATE… see later news coverage and photos on KRON4 TV News and a later report with names of those arrested.  – RS] Activists Detained Hanging “Stop Oil Trains Now” Banner to Kick off Week of Action Contact: Megan Zapanta, APEN, megan@apen4ej.org, 619-322-1696 Jasmin Vargas, CBE, jasmin.vargas@cbecal.org, … Continue reading Activists Detained Hanging “Stop Oil Trains Now” Banner to Kick off Week of Action