KPIX VIDEO: Bay Area activist Andrés Soto on explosion in West Virginia

Repost from KPIX News [Editor: Thanks to KPIX for local coverage, but we regret that this report did not mention Mr. Soto’s role as spokesperson for Benicians For a Safe and Healthy Community. This report also missed an opportunity to cover the highly successful grassroots efforts here in Benicia to stop a proposed crude by rail … Continue reading KPIX VIDEO: Bay Area activist Andrés Soto on explosion in West Virginia

Sacramento Bee editorial: We need open debate on oil train safety

Repost from The Sacramento Bee [Benicia Independent Editor:  A bit odd that the Bee editorial is defending the rail industry’s right to talk to the media and to lobby congress.  Nice, though, when the Bee writes, “Thankfully, officials in Benicia actually listened to people who exercised free speech.  They announced last week they will redo parts of … Continue reading Sacramento Bee editorial: We need open debate on oil train safety

Benicia Herald: Interview with Benicia author Grant Cooke

Repost from The Benicia Herald Authors’ latest eyes sustainable ‘revolution’ Benician, Nobel winner pen 3rd collaboration February 11, 2015, by Donna Beth Weilenman For Benicia business owner and writer Grant Cooke, the question isn’t whether crude oil should come in by rail, pipeline or tanker ship. Nor which is better, hybrids or all-electric cars. Cooke … Continue reading Benicia Herald: Interview with Benicia author Grant Cooke

Editor: Reflections on Benicia’s Recirculation announcement

By Roger Straw, The Benicia Independent, Feb. 6, 2015 On Feb. 3, the City of Benicia released a significant announcement, further delaying Valero’s proposal to begin shipping North American (Bakken and tar sands) crude oil in railroad tank cars: The City has reviewed all of the comments submitted on the Draft EIR and has determined … Continue reading Editor: Reflections on Benicia’s Recirculation announcement