Loss of local news coverage by Benicia Herald & Vallejo Times-Herald

Newspapers cut back on Benicia reporting These are hard times for print journalists, reporters and home delivery newspapers.  Especially so in Benicia. On July 6, the Benicia Herald announced a cutback in print publication to 3 days per week.  And this week I asked the editor of our larger neighbor newspaper, the Vallejo Times-Herald who on their staff … Continue reading Loss of local news coverage by Benicia Herald & Vallejo Times-Herald

CALL TO ACTION: Attend Benicia City Council on Tuesday, July 17!

An email from Kathy Kerridge, Benicia [Editor: For meeting agenda and materials, see Benicia City Council to vote whether to reconsider vote on ISO.  For much more, see our Benicia ISO page.  If you can’t attend, note below for info on where to write. – RS] Support a Benicia Industrial Safety Ordinance on 7/17 Come support … Continue reading CALL TO ACTION: Attend Benicia City Council on Tuesday, July 17!


TOWN HALL MEETING TONIGHT! An Industrial Safety Ordinance (ISO) for Benicia To learn more about ISO Benicia, please attend a panel discussion with State Officials, and Contra Costa County experts on why and how Benicia can better protect our community. Why:  Currently, Benicia is the only refinery town in the Bay Area not protected by … Continue reading TODAY! ISO BENICIA PANEL DISCUSSION TUES. NOV. 14