LOCAL OP-ED – Jerome Page: The triumph of human ingenuity

Repost from The Benicia Herald Jerome Page: The triumph of human ingenuity August 8, 2014 by Jerome Page TIME TO TAKE A CLOSE LOOK AT OUR STARTLING SUCCESS in solving our energy problems with oil — good old American Bakken crude along with a hefty swash of that Canadian tar sands crude. Canada being a … Continue reading LOCAL OP-ED – Jerome Page: The triumph of human ingenuity

Marilyn Bardet interviews

Thanks to Benicia watchdog and activist Marilyn Bardet and to KCBC host John Yazel’s Community Focus for these two half-hour radio interviews.  Marilyn offers detailed background on the oil and rail industries, the crude by rail boom and the deeply flawed proposal by Benicia’s Valero Refinery.  An excellent, wide-ranging expert presentation. KCBC – Community Focus –  Oil … Continue reading Marilyn Bardet interviews

Sacramento leaders: Risk of oil train explosions must be acknowledged

Repost from The Sacramento Bee Sacramento leaders: Risk of oil train explosions needs to be acknowledged By Tony Bizjak, Aug. 5, 2014 Sacramento area leaders say the city of Benicia is failing to acknowledge the risks of explosions and fires that could happen if the Bay Area city approves Valero’s plan to run crude oil trains … Continue reading Sacramento leaders: Risk of oil train explosions must be acknowledged

Bridge wake-up call

Repost from Philipstown.info, Philipstown, NY [Editor: This story out of New York is a wake-up call for us all.  Bridge safety in Northern California is a serious issue, and  we have heard little discussion on the subject as Valero  proposes to bring oil trains over the Sierra, through the Sacramento River Valley and  across the protected … Continue reading Bridge wake-up call