Do You Live In A “Bomb Train” Blast Zone?

Repost from Vice News [Editor: This excellent ForestEthics interactive map shows oil train routes throughout the U.S. & Canada.  Just click on the map – be sure to zoom in close enough to see your own street’s name!  Note that the map seems to have been updated to more accurately show the blast zone in and … Continue reading Do You Live In A “Bomb Train” Blast Zone?

SF Chronicle: ‘Positive Train Control’ System can prevent train accidents, rail industry slow to adopt

Repost from The San Francisco Chronicle [Editor:  (apologies for the commercial content…the video that follows the commercial is well worth the wait.)  The following San Francisco Chronicle article on Positive Train Control is incredibly important.  Until California is fully covered by a state-of-the-art collision-avoidance system, Valero should not be issued a use permit for crude … Continue reading SF Chronicle: ‘Positive Train Control’ System can prevent train accidents, rail industry slow to adopt

Officials want to build a ‘total disaster city’ for training, with fires, explosions and crashes

Repost from The Sacramento Bee [Editor: Significant quote: “Officials with the Valero Refining Co. …recently asked about the training center. Valero, which has its own fire department in Benicia, has come under pressure lately in the Sacramento area from fire officials and other leaders who say trains hauling oil through downtowns will put the region … Continue reading Officials want to build a ‘total disaster city’ for training, with fires, explosions and crashes

Yolo County Supervisors send letter to Benicia critical of Draft EIR

Repost from The Sacramento Bee [Editor: This story is also covered on the Woodland Daily Democrat.  – RS] Yolo supervisors challenge Benicia on crude oil train plans By Tony Bizjak, Jul. 15, 2014 ad more here: In a letter to be sent this week, Yolo County officials accuse the city of Benicia of failing to … Continue reading Yolo County Supervisors send letter to Benicia critical of Draft EIR