Global oil market: demand for road fuels has peaked and is now falling

Repost from The Economist [Editor: An interesting European perspective on the future of world oil production and sales.  Note references to Valero near the end.  – RS] A fuel’s errand Making the most of a difficult business Apr 20th 2013 | RUNCORN THE sprawling acres of pipes, towers and tanks, which smash and rebuild hydrocarbon … Continue reading Global oil market: demand for road fuels has peaked and is now falling

Two studies: Bakken crude by rail – safety and volatility

[Editor: The following studies were recommended to me by a neighbor who supports Valero’s crude by rail proposal.  Both are loaded with valuable information, useful to anyone who wants facts to back up an argument for or against Valero’s project.  You can download the document by clicking on the green text.   Thanks, neighbor!  – RS]  Center … Continue reading Two studies: Bakken crude by rail – safety and volatility

Benicia OKs Sacramento request for more time to review crude oil rail shipment plans

Repost from The Sacramento Bee Benicia OKs Sacramento request for more time to review crude oil rail shipment plans By Tony Bizjak, Saturday, Jul. 12, 2014 Benicia has granted a request by Sacramento officials and others for extra time to review a plan by Valero Refining Co. to run two trains daily carrying crude oil through … Continue reading Benicia OKs Sacramento request for more time to review crude oil rail shipment plans

KPFA: Benicians oppose crude-by-rail ‘bomb trains’

Repost from Benicians win first victory in opposition to crude-by-rail ‘bomb trains’ KPFA Weekend News, 07.12.2014 On Thursday, Citizens of Benicia, California won a 45-day extension of the public comment period on the Draft Environmental Impact Report regarding Valero’s plan for bringing tar sands and shale oil to its Benicia Refinery. Activists opposing the shipments … Continue reading KPFA: Benicians oppose crude-by-rail ‘bomb trains’