As people stay home, Earth turns wilder and cleaner

Associated Press, by Seth Borenstein, April 22, 2020 An unplanned grand experiment is changing Earth. As people across the globe stay home to stop the spread of the new coronavirus, the air has cleaned up, albeit temporarily. Smog stopped choking New Delhi, one of the most polluted cities in the world, and India’s getting views of sights … Continue reading As people stay home, Earth turns wilder and cleaner

“Reopen” protests organized by gun rights groups, state Republican Party organizations, conservative think tanks, religious and advocacy groups

Who’s Behind the “Reopen” Domain Surge?, April 20, 2020 The past few weeks have seen a large number of new domain registrations beginning with the word “reopen” and ending with U.S. city or state names. The largest number of them were created just hours after President Trump sent a series of all-caps tweets urging citizens to … Continue reading “Reopen” protests organized by gun rights groups, state Republican Party organizations, conservative think tanks, religious and advocacy groups

Newsom on plan to resume some “delayed health care” procedures, more testing

Governor Newsom Announces Plan to Resume Delayed Health Care that was Deferred as Hospitals Prepared for COVID-19 Surge Press Release, Apr 22, 2020 Decision based on progress toward preparing California’s hospitals and health care delivery system for a COVID-19 surge in patients – one of California’s six indicators to gradually modify state’s stay-at-home order State also … Continue reading Newsom on plan to resume some “delayed health care” procedures, more testing

Benicia High School, Students, Parents Across U.S. Consider Virtual Graduation For Class Of 2020

[Editor:  Many of the scenes in this KPIX video are from Benicia High School, and BHS is highlighted in the title, but Benicia is never mentioned!  A little strange….  – R.S.] KPIXTV CBS Bay Area, April 20, 2020 Bay Area high school seniors still hope to have some sort of graduation ceremony even though large … Continue reading Benicia High School, Students, Parents Across U.S. Consider Virtual Graduation For Class Of 2020