Support for Solano County Emergency Renter Protection Ordinance

Posting here at the request of David Lindsay, for Common Ground California, April 21, 2020 Support for Solano County Emergency Renter Protection Ordinance According to the Insight Center for Community Economic Development, nearly 30,000 families in Solano County were one paycheck away from financial ruin before the Covid19 crisis. Common Ground has heard stories from … Continue reading Support for Solano County Emergency Renter Protection Ordinance

Emissions are way down. No, that’s not all good news for the environment.

Chaos in the oil sector could actually intensify climate change. Mother Jones, by Rebecca Leber, April 21, 2020 As the coronavirus cripples world economies, greenhouse gas emissions are plummeting: This year, they could drop by as much as 5.5 percent—the largest decrease ever recorded. On Monday, the price of oil went negative, meaning storing oil now costs more than … Continue reading Emissions are way down. No, that’s not all good news for the environment.

Benicia City Council meeting to accommodate public comment via Zoom

City Council Agenda for April 21 offers several ways to make comments From the April 21 Benicia City Council Agenda: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Advisory Notice The Solano County Public Health Department has advised that non-essential gatherings should be canceled, postponed, or done remotely. Additional information is available at This meeting is necessary so that the … Continue reading Benicia City Council meeting to accommodate public comment via Zoom