Kamala Harris sent 2 important letters to the City of Benicia

By Roger Straw, August 11, 2020 Future Vice President Kamala Harris remembered in Benicia for her strong support Joe Biden’s nominee for Vice President, California Senator Kamala Harris, has a remarkable connection for many of us here in Benicia.  Her support for a safe and healthy world was incredibly important in the 2016 defeat of … Continue reading Kamala Harris sent 2 important letters to the City of Benicia

SACRAMENTO BEE: California Attorney General Kamala Harris challenges Benicia oil plan

Repost from the Sacramento Bee California Attorney General Kamala Harris challenges Benicia oil plan By Tony Bizjak, April 14, 2016 4:29 PM HIGHLIGHTS: • Harris said Benicia has the right to say no, is not pre-empted by federal law • Two 50-car oil trains would travel daily through downtown Sacramento • Valero spokesman: ‘We remain confident … Continue reading SACRAMENTO BEE: California Attorney General Kamala Harris challenges Benicia oil plan

Letter from Kamala Harris, California Attorney General

The California Attorney General office has weighed in on the failures of the Pittsburg WesPac recirculated EIR.  This could be important for us in Benicia.  See Ltr to POLLOT 1-15-2014 date revised Marilyn Bardet writes that this letter “gets at the lack of cumulative analysis of emissions impacts and other potentially catastrophic risks to Pittsburg residents … Continue reading Letter from Kamala Harris, California Attorney General

Michelle Obama speaks at the 2024 Democratic National Convention, August 21, 2024

Hope is making a comeback! Do something!!  Maybe her best moment, the “black job” comment: BenIndy: Wow! Pay attention when you come to minute 10:15. It’s a  1½ minute clip you won’t want to miss! –> Full Transcript of Michelle Obama’s Speech at the Democratic Convention The former first lady spoke for just over … Continue reading Michelle Obama speaks at the 2024 Democratic National Convention, August 21, 2024