Putin’s war shows autocracies and fossil fuels go hand in hand. Here’s how to tackle both

Democracies are making more progress than autocracies when it comes to climate action. But divestment campaigns can put pressure on the most recalcitrant of political leaders The Guardian, by Bill McKibben, Mon 11 Apr 2022 At first glance, last autumn’s Glasgow climate summit looked a lot like its 25 predecessors. It had: A conference hall the size … Continue reading Putin’s war shows autocracies and fossil fuels go hand in hand. Here’s how to tackle both

Benicia author Stephen Golub: If the Russians Love Their Children Too

If the Russians Love Their Children Too Sting’s 1985 masterpiece proves tragically appropriate in 2022. One of the most moving, powerful songs I’ve ever heard – yes, for those who know me, powerful even in comparison with Springsteen’s stuff – is Sting’s 1985 composition, “Russians.” Released as part of his first solo album, near the … Continue reading Benicia author Stephen Golub: If the Russians Love Their Children Too

Benicia author Stephen Golub: Ukraine: It’s the End of the World as We Know It. Here’s Why I Feel (Kinda Sorta) Fine.

Yes, despair at Ukrainians’ suffering. But their struggles, and ours, do not end here. Tough, horrifying, unprecedented times indeed. Especially for Ukraine, but also for the world. But not all is lost. Through my international development consulting and research, I’ve had sporadic contact with Ukraine and a smattering of its citizens over the years. Here … Continue reading Benicia author Stephen Golub: Ukraine: It’s the End of the World as We Know It. Here’s Why I Feel (Kinda Sorta) Fine.

Voting Rights Funnies – not so funny…

Three bad cartoons and a Washington Post analysis… MANCHIN-SINEMA ADMINISTRATION TAYLOR JONES, POLITICALCARTOONS.COM SUPPRESSION BUMPS BY STEVE SACK, THE MINNEAPOLIS STAR-TRIBUNE, MN VOTER RIGHTS CRUSHED BY MONTE WOLVERTON, BATTLE GROUND, WA Why Democrats spent a year on a failed voting rights push Washington Post, by Mike DeBonis, January 21, 2022 They can’t say they weren’t … Continue reading Voting Rights Funnies – not so funny…