EXPERT REPORT ON LOCAL IMPACTS: Dr. Phyllis Fox rips Valero’s oil train proposal

By Roger Straw, April 5, 2016 The Benicia Independent is in receipt of the 92-page expert analysis of Dr. Phyllis Fox, submitted yesterday to the City of Benicia.  As of this posting, the report has not been posted on the City’s website. The report focuses primarily on the many significant local impacts and risk factors.  This is … Continue reading EXPERT REPORT ON LOCAL IMPACTS: Dr. Phyllis Fox rips Valero’s oil train proposal

YOLANO CLIMATE ACTION: Update on Valero Crude-by-Rail and Next Steps

Repost from Yolano Climate Action Update on Valero Crude-by-Rail and Next Steps Posted: March 26, 2016 in Rail Transport of Oil After three years of study, the Benicia Planning Commission voted not to certify the final EIR and denied the Valero Crude-by-Rail on February 11, 2016.    Read about the Planning Commission Resolution here. Listen to the Chairman’s report … Continue reading YOLANO CLIMATE ACTION: Update on Valero Crude-by-Rail and Next Steps

MARILYN BARDET: Comment at Benicia City Council on 3/22 – Valero’s request for a delay

By Marilyn Bardet, March 22, 2016 Benicia City Council on March 22, public comment – Valero’s request for a delay Valero’s request for delay in the appeal process to acquire a declaration from STB on the scope of preemption interferes with local politics with far-reaching ramifications. On March 15th, at the opening hearing of Valero’s … Continue reading MARILYN BARDET: Comment at Benicia City Council on 3/22 – Valero’s request for a delay

CREDO ACTION: Urge the BenIcia City Council to reject Valero’s dangerous oil train plan

From an email by CREDO Action, by Elijah Zarlin Urge the BenIcia City Council to reject Valero’s dangerous oil train plan. Dear … , Valero Energy Corporation is trying to build an oil train terminal at its refinery in Benicia, which, if approved, would bring massive trains loaded with 2.5 million gallons of toxic, explosive crude through … Continue reading CREDO ACTION: Urge the BenIcia City Council to reject Valero’s dangerous oil train plan