Climate emergency – too late? The controversy over Jonathan Franzen’s climate change opinions

Scientists are pissed at the novelist — and at the New Yorker for publishing him. Vox: Future Perfect, by Sigal Samuel  Sep 11, 2019 Jonathan Franzen writes about climate change. Twitter erupts in anger. It’s the circle of life as we denizens of the internet have come to know it in recent years. Franzen is most … Continue reading Climate emergency – too late? The controversy over Jonathan Franzen’s climate change opinions

Chasing The Methane Dragon That Lurks In The Deep Sea

We went into the depths of the ocean with a scientist seeking to understand how frozen gas deposits might respond in a rapidly warming world., by Chris D’Angelo, 09/02/2019 07:53 am ET THE BOTTOM OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN — Forty miles off the coast of North Carolina, the 274-foot research vessel Atlantis paced a … Continue reading Chasing The Methane Dragon That Lurks In The Deep Sea

Indivisible’s two year plan to beat Trump and save democracy

[Editor: Indivisible continues to do a great job – creatively and persistently resisting the Trump administration and building toward a more progressive future.  Find your local Indivisible group here.  My local group is Vallejo-Benicia Indivisible (on Facebook).  Contribute to Indivisible here.  Download the Indivisible 2.0 Guide.  More Benicia Independent coverage of Indivisible.  – R.S.] How … Continue reading Indivisible’s two year plan to beat Trump and save democracy

Benicia and Solano County should declare climate emergency

[Editor: UPDATE ON 11 Sept – Benicia Mayor Elizabeth Patterson petitioned her colleagues on the City Council to adopt a Climate Emergency Resolution.  The first step was on Tuesday, September 3, when Council considered whether to approve adding a discussion on this to a future agenda.  The Council chose to schedule a public WORKSHOP on … Continue reading Benicia and Solano County should declare climate emergency