COVID in Solano County – only worse over the weekend, 1 more death, another record number of new cases

UPDATE: See today’s latest information By Roger Straw, December 21, 2020 [Source: Solano County Coronavirus Dashboard (posted on the County website late today, around 8pm).  For a complete archive of County updates, see my Excel ARCHIVE.  ALSO see important daily updates from the state of California at COVID19.CA.GOV, embedded here on the BenIndy at Cases and … Continue reading COVID in Solano County – only worse over the weekend, 1 more death, another record number of new cases

Solano RED ALERT: hospital ICU beds nearly full, COVID-19 hitting new record numbers

UPDATE: See today’s latest information By Roger Straw, December 18, 2020 Nearly 300 new positive cases in Solano County in just one day; ACTIVE cases at 2,164; ICU beds at a Solano record low level of only 9% available; and our positivity test rate is just over 1 in every 5 tested, 20.7%.  The virus is … Continue reading Solano RED ALERT: hospital ICU beds nearly full, COVID-19 hitting new record numbers

COVID-19 spread in Solano County at highest threat level – STAY HOME!

UPDATE: See today’s latest information By Roger Straw, December 17, 2020 A record 444 new positive cases in Solano County in just one day; ACTIVE cases at new record over 2,200; ICU beds at a dangerous level of only 13% available; and our positivity test rate is at 1 in every 5 tested, 20%.  The virus … Continue reading COVID-19 spread in Solano County at highest threat level – STAY HOME!

Solano COVID numbers shocking – County on lockdown – details…

UPDATE: See today’s latest information By Roger Straw, December 16, 2020 A record 372 new positive cases in Solano County in just one day; ACTIVE cases over 2,000 for the first time; 2 new deaths; ICU beds at a dangerous level of only 13% available; and our positivity rate is at 18%.  The virus is spreading … Continue reading Solano COVID numbers shocking – County on lockdown – details…