Shale Euphoria: The Boom and Bust of Sub Prime Oil and Natural Gas

Repost from [Editor:  Highly recommended by Benicia activist Marilyn Bardet: “This is a sobering, lengthy, well researched article on the fracking industry’s ‘bubble’, its hype, claims and the inevitable ‘costs’ and why it is absolutely unsustainable financially, environmentally, socially, and absolutely unethical.”  Although the analysis doesn’t even mention oil trains or rail transport, it provides … Continue reading Shale Euphoria: The Boom and Bust of Sub Prime Oil and Natural Gas

Valero’s appeal: ok, this was expected. What’s next?

By Roger Straw, March 1, 2016 We’ve been expecting this for years. Get on with it! Yes, this pep talk is for myself – but it might work for you, too: This is no surprise. Stop worrying over Valero’s attorney-driven shock and awe. Yes, for a week or two, we entertained a slim hope that Valero would do the right … Continue reading Valero’s appeal: ok, this was expected. What’s next?

Positive Train Control, Critical Rail Safety Improvement, Delayed for Decades

Repost from DeSmog Blog Positive Train Control, Critical Rail Safety Improvement, Delayed for Decades By Justin Mikulka, February 16, 2016 – 03:58 In the recent New York Times article “The Wreck of Amtrak 188” Federal Railroad Administration leader Sarah Feinberg explained the advantages of the rail safety technology known as positive train control (PTC). “I’ll describe … Continue reading Positive Train Control, Critical Rail Safety Improvement, Delayed for Decades

Oil export ban – talking points, need to contact senators

From an email sent by Matt Krogh, ForestEthics By Matt Krogh, December 4, 2015 Please consider immediately calling your Senator … and other senators listed below who are critical to the export ban issue. I’ve combined details from various sources below (Sierra Club, NRDC, others), but in short, there may be a deal to overturn … Continue reading Oil export ban – talking points, need to contact senators