Oil Trains Don’t Have to Derail or Explode to Be Hazardous, Doctors Warn

Repost from TruthOut Oil Trains Don’t Have to Derail or Explode to Be Hazardous, Doctors Warn By Dahr Jamail, Tuesday, 09 June 2015 00:00 In May, hundreds of doctors, nurses and health-care professionals from Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) called on Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Oregon Gov. Kate Brown to take a stronger position … Continue reading Oil Trains Don’t Have to Derail or Explode to Be Hazardous, Doctors Warn

Benicia Herald covers Valero environmental delay

[Editor:  The Benicia Herald’s front page story  makes no mention  of the widespread criticism of the Department of Transportation’s inadequate new safety rules.  In fact, the article devotes 23 paragraphs (!) to the DOT’s trumpeting of the strengths of the new rules.  Nevertheless, the story serves as a thorough summary of DOT claims.   I hope my editorial adds … Continue reading Benicia Herald covers Valero environmental delay

ForestEthics: Oil Trains Too Fast, New Safety Rules Too Slow

Repost from ForestEthics (Also appearing in the Huffington Post) Oil Trains Too Fast, New Safety Rules Too Slow By Todd Paglia, Executive Director, May 1, 2015 In the first three months of 2015 four oil train accidents sent emergency responders scrambling, crude oil spilling into drinking water supplies, and fireballs blasting into the sky. The … Continue reading ForestEthics: Oil Trains Too Fast, New Safety Rules Too Slow

MN Public Radio: Critics press industry to make Bakken oil safer

Repost from Minnesota Public Radio, MPR.org/100.5 FM Critics press industry to make Bakken oil safer By Dan Gunderson, Mar 29, 2015 at 6:37 p.m. MOORHEAD, Minn. — North Dakota environmentalists want oil companies to reduce volatile gasses in Bakken crude. Regulators, however, say they’re taking a different tack that’s cheaper for the industry and still … Continue reading MN Public Radio: Critics press industry to make Bakken oil safer