San Francisco Chronicle: How crude-by-rail — and other debates — are censored

Repost from SFGate, Opinion Shop How crude-by-rail — and other debates — are censored By Lois Kazakoff, January 2, 2015 When I wrote in November about how the mayor of Benicia was effectively muzzled from speaking about a pending city decision with nationwide importance, I thought the debate was over climate change. Now I learn … Continue reading San Francisco Chronicle: How crude-by-rail — and other debates — are censored

Falling oil prices: what impact on North American crude by rail?

In Benicia, some are wondering about implications for and against Valero’s crude-by-rail proposal By Roger Straw, November 29, 2014 The business news pages of mainline media are repeatedly trumpeting the dramatic decline in the price of oil.  Regular folks here are happy to see gas prices at the pump at or below $3/gallon.  Business Insider … Continue reading Falling oil prices: what impact on North American crude by rail?

Sacramento Bee: Benicia mayor’s public skepticism puts vote on oil trains in jeopardy

Repost from The Sacramento Bee [Editor: Don’t let the headline put you off – this is the most thorough analysis yet on the controversy in Benicia.  Tony Bizjak does a good job presenting Mayor Patterson’s defense as well as the perspective of those who would silence her.  – RS] Benicia mayor’s public skepticism puts vote … Continue reading Sacramento Bee: Benicia mayor’s public skepticism puts vote on oil trains in jeopardy

Special to the Sacramento Bee: Oil and rail industry spin on crude-by-rail

Repost from The Sacramento Bee SOAPBOX [Editor: I am somewhat reluctant to post the following article, an oil and rail industry promotion piece by the CEO and Founder of the Institute for Energy Research (IER).  Wikipedia: “Praised by Rush Limbaugh as the ‘energy equivalent’ of the Heritage Foundation…. IER has received funding from… the Claude … Continue reading Special to the Sacramento Bee: Oil and rail industry spin on crude-by-rail