Tag Archives: Coronavirus COVID 19

COVID-19: This is what it’s like – local man tells his experience

Local man likely virus victim with a family

Vallejo Times-Herald, By Richard Freedman, July 4, 2020

Jon White didn’t catch Gov. Gavin Newsom’s updated COVID- 19 restrictions Wednesday, warning about public gatherings.

Besides, it would have been too late for the 28-year-old Vallejoan.

“One of the areas where we’re seeing an increase of transmission… is on family gatherings,” Newsom said. “I think patriotism, at least in a COVID-19 environment, can be celebrated a little differently.”

Yes, a July 4 party with family is so close, White could almost taste it. That’s if he could taste.

Last Thursday, June 25 — seven days after White, his wife, Kaitlyn, and their 8-month-old baby, Shep, drove to visit Katelyn’s family in Queen Creek, Ariz., White started feeling ill.

“The first thing to hit was the overwhelming fatigue,” he said late Wednesday. “I was exhausted out of nowhere. That moved to body aches and so much more.”

Actually, it wasn’t a huge surprise when White was overcome with COVID-19 symptoms. On June 24, his brother-in-law became ill and tested positive.

“And it turns out our cousin’s girlfriend tested positive on Tuesday” this week, White said. “I believe I got it from her.”

Though Kaitlyn remains seemingly healthy, the baby’s developed a 101-degree fever. White said he “never got a fever,” though his brother-in-law hovered around 101.5.

“The wife is the only one in the house without any symptoms,” White said. “The baby, unfortunately, got it or something. It’s been awful for a few days. He hasn’t slept and you can tell he has the same headache because exposure to light makes his eyes water.”

Though “100 percent sure” he has the virus, it’s been a waiting game to confirm: Eight days after testing, he’s still waiting for the results by Urgent Care San Tan Valley — roughly 45 miles from Phoenix.

“I called them upset already and they are still saying it could be 10 days,” White said Friday morning, adding that they “couldn’t give an answer” why the delay.

A woman at Urgent Care San Tan Valley told the Times-Herald it takes six to 10 days for results.

“By the time I get my results, it won’t even matter,” White said. “I’m going to try to get back home and get tested up in Northern California next week. I need a negative test to come back to work. Because they are taking so long, I am burning through my PTO (paid time off). If they would get me my results, it would switch over to medical leave and I wouldn’t be penalized. This is the only place I have heard of that takes this long to find out.”

White said before catching the virus, “we wear a mask out in public. We have only been with people doing the same and our close family and friends,” he said.

So much for a happy family reunion. And that week stay is now a two-week quarantine. “I honestly thought — like most people in the Bay Area — that I already had it,” he said. “But there was no way I had anything like this.”

Compare it to the “normal” flu? Tough call, because “I don’t think I’ve had the flu,” White said. “But the weirdest symptom is the loss of taste and smell. That one is so crazy and impossible to accurately describe.” As a man of faith, White said “Dear God, please tell me it doesn’t last too long,” referring to the loss of taste and smell. “Two people here

(in Arizona) have lost it and its come back after a week. Fingers crossed.”

With the family on quarantine, White said the trip home scheduled for June 26 is now … well, nobody knows exactly.

“We aren’t planning on leaving anytime before July 5,” he said.”We were told to quarantine.”

Almost forgot. The actual COVID test. White got it last Friday and still awaits the results.

“I’m not sure when it will come back. They said it could be as long as 10 days,” White said.

The test itself? As much fun as juggling broken bottles blindfolded.

“The test was the swab of my brain. It was a very painful experience,” White said.

As for “celebrating” Independence Day, White won’t be banging any pots and pans.

“It’ll be very quiet to avoid worsening the headache,” he said, managing an anguished laugh.

City of Benicia: Please exercise your independence by choosing to stay home

Solano County Press Release: Governor orders closure of bars, brewpubs and some indoor operations in Solano County – County health officials update local orders, ask residents to stay at home during Fourth of July holiday weekend

Solano County issued an updated press release today noting that the state’s order rescinds the local public health officials authority for business operations of bars and indoor dining. It also reminds people not to gather this weekend with those you do not live with:

“Our COVID-19 numbers are not favorable, as you’ll see on the County and state websites, although these businesses don’t appear to be the primary source of transmission,” says Beta T. Matyas, M.D., M.P.H., Solano County Public Health Officer. “While it may go against tradition, we are asking Solano County residents to stay at home this Fourth of July weekend. Family and social gatherings remain one of the primary drivers in the spike of cases in Solano County. The more we come together in groups and don’t social distance, the more COVID-19 spreads. If you must go out, wear a face covering and practice 6-foot social distancing, for your own health and for the well being of everyone in our community.”

The City of Benicia commends our residents for doing a good job of keeping the spread of COVID-19 down in our community. Benicia has one of the lowest number of cases in Solano County and in the Bay Area. We are doing a great job by wearing face coverings when in public settings and keeping a distance of six feet from others.

You can keep up the good work this weekend by not participating in or hosting gatherings of people you don’t live with. We’ve all have heard about increased incidents of COVID-19 cases after Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and Father’s Day gatherings. The exposure to you and your family from asymptomatic carriers is not worth the risk to your health.

Please exercise your independence by choosing to stay home. When you can’t, choose to wear a face covering, practice social distancing, cough and sneeze into a tissue, and please wash your hands thoroughly.

We can get through this together, Benicia, and look forward to celebrating when we’ve conquer COVID-19.


Solano, Napa and Marin COVID-19 cases spike in month of June

Chart shows increase in coronavirus cases, deaths by Bay Area counties

KRON4 News by: Tristi Rodriguez, Jul 2, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — Confirmed coronavirus cases are increasing at a threatening rate in the Bay Area and throughout most parts of the United States.

Four U.S. states — Arizona, California, Florida and Texas — reported a combined 25,000 new confirmed coronavirus cases Thursday as the infection curve rose in 40 of the 50 states.

This spike just ahead of the 4th of July holiday weekend, prompting concerns as county officials encourage their residents to stay home.

In just a little over a month, cases have climbed in the Bay Area. As of July 2, the confirmed number of cases neared 26,000.

The chart below shows the percentage of the increase in cases and deaths by county from May 31 to July 2.

The data was retrieved from each respective county health department.

Napa, Solano and Marin counties saw the largest spike in cases.

Vallejo’s Mare Island Ferry Taproom featured in SF Chronicle: Forget dining inside, going out to bars

Forget dining inside, going out to bars: California’s new surge restrictions could last for a long while

Cynthia Dizikes and Alexei Koseff July 2, 2020
Megan Keeton (right) sterilizes the patio furniture at the Mare Island Brewing Co. Ferry Taproom in Vallejo.
Megan Keeton (right) sterilizes the patio furniture at the Mare Island Brewing Co. Ferry Taproom in Vallejo.Photo: Photos by Nick Otto / Special to The Chronicle

New state restrictions on bars and restaurants in counties with the worst virus-control numbers are supposed to expire after three weeks. But few public health experts believe the bans on indoor gatherings and outdoor drinking will drop cases low enough for these activities to resume any time soon.

The dramatic move is the state’s attempt to rein in runaway case totals that have inched ever higher since some counties have begun allowing businesses to reopen and people have gathered more at home and outdoors.

But to really lower California’s surge in coronavirus infections — now at 246,735 — people need to curtail gatherings with friends and family and be more vigilant about wearing masks, particularly over the Fourth of July weekend, said UC Berkeley infectious disease expert Dr. John Swartzberg.

“This curve is going up very fast and it is going to take more than a nudge to bring it down again,” Swartzberg said, referring to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order to shut down several recently reopened sectors that the state has identified as riskiest for transmission of the virus.

The order requires restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, family entertainment centers, movie theaters, museums, zoos and cardrooms to halt indoor operations for at least three weeks. Outdoor operations, such as restaurant patios, are still allowed. But Newsom also ordered the closure of all bars and breweries in the 19 counties, including those outdoors, unless they also serve sit-down meals. The new restrictions will impact nearly 75% of California’s population of 39.5 million people.

The California Department of Public Health did not respond to questions about what would happen in three weeks and whether counties would be free to reopen all of those businesses.

At his news briefing Thursday, Newsom said he was confident the new restrictions will help keep new cases in check.

“We tempered the growth of the curve,” he said. “We need to do that again.”

Those assurances didn’t make it any easier, however, for businesses that had to roll back reopenings.

Beth Stine, Art Stine, and Serena Salvan eat lunch on the rooftop patio at Mare Island Brewing Co. Ferry Taproom.
Beth Stine, Art Stine, and Serena Salvan eat lunch on the rooftop patio at Mare Island Brewing Co. Ferry Taproom. Photo: Nick Otto / Special to The Chronicle

At the Mare Island Brewing Co. Ferry Taproom in Vallejo, business was finally returning to some semblance of normal this summer. People had returned to drink and dine indoors and out. Nearly all of the 44-person staff had been rehired.

But then, on Wednesday, co-owner Kent Fortner’s phone lit up with messages: Solano County, where the tap room is, was among the 19 counties in the shutdown order, as were Contra Costa and Santa Clara counties in the Bay Area.

“It was really a kick in the teeth,” Fortner said. “As a business owner I can manage a downturn. It is uncertainty that kills a business. This came with no notice whatsoever, three days before a holiday weekend.”

Short of shutting down, closing bars and banning indoor gatherings in restaurants can be particularly effective as an isolated measure, said Dr. Thomas Tsai, a surgeon and health policy expert at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Tsai and other researchers at Harvard and Google analyzed anonymized cell phone data from the first part of the year and found that closing bars and restaurants was the best way to keep people from venturing out of their homes — better than bans on large gatherings, school closures and shuttering other nonessential businesses.

“What California is doing makes sense,” Tsai said. “It is not that bars and restaurants are inherently dangerous but the nature of social interactions and socializing that come part and parcel with a restaurant or bar increases opportunities for the virus to spread.”

Coronavirus infections throughout the Bay Area grew to 27,158 Thursday with 590 deaths, county data showed. Single-day spikes in Bay Area counties included 178 new cases in Santa Clara, 228 in Alameda and 78 in Contra Costa.

Across California, the number of infections rose to 246,594 Thursday, with 6,261 deaths.

As of Wednesday, California joined 12 other states classified as “orange” on the risk scale developed by Harvard and a collaboration of scientists. Orange indicates escalating community spread. Stay-at-home orders may be necessary, unless it’s possible to increase testing and tracing. Three states, Arizona, Florida and South Carolina, were classified as “red,” meaning that community spread was unchecked and stay-at-home orders were necessary.

Newsom has pushed back on the notion that the state reopened too quickly. During press briefings, he has repeatedly asserted that his administration merely developed guidelines for how to safely operate different sectors of the economy, leaving it up to counties to determine a timeline for when they would resume based on local conditions.

On Thursday, he said his strategy for the counties that had been forced to toggle back their reopenings was “more targeted education,” rather than punitive measures.

He suggested that the surge in new cases was a failure of individual behavior, not public policy.

“I think the most important thing we’ve learned over the course of the last number of months,” Newsom told reporters, “is so often the conversation and the questions were about when, not how. We need to have a deeper conversation about how to safely reopen.”

The governor pointed to a public awareness campaign that his administration launched Thursday, with ads encouraging people to wear masks set to go up on television, radio, social media and billboards.

Phil Lang and Steven Morgan collect their beers before heading out onto the patio at Mare Island Brewing Co. Ferry Taproom in Vallejo.
Phil Lang and Steven Morgan collect their beers before heading out onto the patio at Mare Island Brewing Co. Ferry Taproom in Vallejo. Photo: Nick Otto / Special to The Chronicle

The governor’s order applies to counties that have spent at least three consecutive days on a state watch list because of their high rate of new infections, positive tests or increasing hospitalizations. Outside of the Bay Area, the affected counties include Fresno, Glenn, Imperial, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Merced, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, Santa Barbara, Stanislaus, Tulare and Ventura.

Some of the counties affected by the governor’s order had not reopened indoor dining or drinking, including Santa Clara.

On Thursday, Santa Clara County issued a new health order allowing some activities to resume, including hair and nail services, gyms, and small gatherings if social distancing protocols are in place. The order also requires employers to immediately report coronavirus cases on their staff for all employees who were at work within two days of having symptoms or of being tested. Employers must report the case within four hours to the public health department.

Also this week, the Contra Costa Health Services department encouraged people to avoid gatherings of friends and family, wear masks, and seek testing even if they had no symptoms.

Solano County had moved more quickly than other counties to reopen, allowing indoor dining in May and reopening retail stores, tattoo parlors, museums and nail salons, among other businesses. The county has drafted a new order to reflect the governor’s restrictions.

However, county health officer Dr. Bela Matyas said Thursday that he was not optimistic the new rules would help drop the rising number of cases in his county. Matyas said that most of the increases can be attributed to people getting together at home with their friends and families. While a handful of outbreaks have been linked to work sites, he said Solano has not seen any cases tied to restaurants or bars.

“We don’t have any evidence that this is how the disease is spreading in our county,” Matyas said. “People find it easy to blame the business sector, but at least in our county, it is what we are doing at home that is causing the spread.”

For now, Fortner has closed the indoor dining area at the taproom, which is also a restaurant. But, he said, he worries about what the future holds for his small business and others.

“I want my kids to go to school in the fall and I want to be part of the solution instead of the problem,” he said. “But the lack of clarity, transparency and advanced notice is very frustrating.”

Cynthia Dizikes and Alexei Koseff are San Francisco Chronicle staff writers.